My Small Group

I know I haven’t posted in a while, sorry, but I just want to quickly say that I love the small group that Pam and I are a part of. Tuesdays are a long day for me but I still look forward to going over the Holtes for conversation that every now and then is on topic but is always refreshing. If you aren’t in a small group that meets each week and read the Bible or a book of faith I would encourage you to join one. Tapestry has a few that you would fit in with and we are always looking to form another. You can also start your own small group. I usually recommend a modify version of Neil Cole’s Life Transformation Group. It goes like this.

What Is A Group?

A Life Together Group that is 2-3 same gender people who are trying to help each other walk with CHRIST. They meet once a week, bi-weekly,. etc.

What To Do In A Group?

  • Hold each other accountable to following CHRIST in a mutual, accountable, and safe group relationship. Ask the Questions.
  • Read scripture repetitively in context throughout the week. (10-30 chapters). You pick the book.
  • Pray for each other strategically, specifically, and continuously.

The QUESTIONS To Ask In A Group

  • In what ways have you been a testimony this week to the greatness of JESUS CHRIST with both your words and actions?
  • How have you experienced GOD in your life this week?
  • How are you responding to HIS promptings?
  • Do you have a need to confess any sin?
  • How did you do with your reading last week?

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