
i’m continually updating tapestry’s website. at the moment i am working on making the f.a.q.’s better. i made myself laugh today by the answer to the question “what do i need to wear to tapestry?” here’s the answer

Clothes! You must wear clothes to everything that Tapestry does. We’re pretty strict about that.

What type of clothes you wear are completely up to you. We are all pretty casual in our clothing selections. Yet truthfully, as long as you are wearing clothes, casual or formal, you’ll get along fine.

adam and i have been sitting in the “man cave” thinking of adding some photo examples to get the point further across. the photos would be a punk rocker with the statement “ok” beside him/her. then we would add a person in formal attire and say “ok”. finally we would add a photo of adam or eve with fig leaves and say “pushing the limits”. the mental images made us laugh.

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