
pam is presenting at the asha convention. she’ll be enjoying chicago till sunday. this means that the boys and i are baching it until then.

once a month i visit with a group of pastors for a book discussion. actually i belong to several different groups that i visit with once a month but this one is specifically for a book discussion. anyhow, i have been recently hit by something that i know i must do also but i initially notcied in some of these pastors and that is to “give the benefit of doubt” to people we agree with while at the very same time not doing it for those we disagree with. in the group i am the odd man out and probably agree the most with the thought that this the majority of this group doesn’t like. therefore it has been easy for me to notice when they have automatically assumed the worse concerning a statement that could mean several different things. they want to disagree with the statements from the group they don’t like and therefore they want it to mean the worst possible thing. the irony is that after a group discussion concerning whether or not we agree with the title of the book the leader of this book discussion stated “we all know what he meant to say and therefore we should just assume it means this.” he then no longer referred to the book by it’s real title but instead called it by the title he said the author “meant to use.” that’s a big benefit of doubt. đŸ˜‰

this post isn’t about trashing on this group because i like these guys in spite of all this. what i’m trying to do is to remind myself to give those i disagree with the same benefit of the doubt that i would give to those that i agree with. that means even those in this book discussion. it seems only fair.

SIDE NOTE – thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday yesterday. it was a good day.

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