i had a conversation with a friend today that reminded me that the new series of lost begins october 4th. boo yah!
my run for the day
distance – 1.5 miles
total time – 14:47
pace – 9:51/mile
I mispell things!
i had a conversation with a friend today that reminded me that the new series of lost begins october 4th. boo yah!
my run for the day
distance – 1.5 miles
total time – 14:47
pace – 9:51/mile
this is a micro$oft UK training video involving the actors from the bristish version of the office. it’s great. i think my favorite part is when ricky gervais says that his hero is nelson mandella because he was in captivity for 30 years and he has since been out for 13 years and has not “reoffended”. “shows that prison works.” i don’t care who you are that’s funny.
i figure that telling y’all my next challenge puts pressure on me to actually finish it. therefore i am using you (and this blog) as a guilt motivator. i have agreed with my brother-n-law and sister-n-law to run a half marathon race in mobile on january 14th. right now the longest i have run without stopping is 3.7 miles (36:29). a half marathon is 13.1 miles and that is allot longer than 3.7. this means that i have a great deal of training to do between now and january. so please feel free to nag me about running. i’m going to need all the help i can get.
it was a tiring day. here was the schedule:
i’m not complaining about the day. in fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that i ran my second 5k race yesterday i probably wouldn’t even be tired today, but i am and i figured i would write it down. 🙂
if JESUS CHRIST were on earth you’d find HIM in a gay bar in san francisco. HE’d be working with people suffering from aids. these people are the new lepers. just like the turn of bc / ad. don’t touch them, walk away from them. if you want to find out where JESUS would be hanging out, it’ll always be with the lepers.
here’s the telemarketing counterscript that i mentioned during the church welcome at today’s early worship service. this wonderful idea was thought up by the great people at egbg.
westboro baptist church is looney and this is possibly the best way of handling them that i’ve ever heard of.
today i ran my second 5k and i loved it. the race was the baton rouge zoo’s “zoorun”. this means that we ran through the zoo for the race. that would have been really cool because i could have watched all the animals except for the fact that after the first half-mile i couldn’t focus on anything other than breathing. the animals might have been doing acrobatics in their cages and i wouldn’t have noticed. in fact, the monkies could have slung poo at me and i probably wouldn’t have cared. i was too busy panting. anyhow, i finished the race and improved my 5k personal best to 28:28.
the other fun part was that adam and noah enjoyed last week’s run so much that they decided that they wanted to be a part of it. so me and the boys ran the 1/2 mile fun run before the 5k. they were great and they are now talking about running longer races.
my next step is to try a 10k and then a half-marathon. the problem is that all the half-marathon’s in the area are coming up sooner than the 10ks. this means it will probably be january before i can run a 10k and then the next half-marathon after that is february 4th. i don’t believe i can be ready for a half-marathon that soon after training to reach the 10k comfortably.
btw, pam hates the gold shirt and green pants that i wore today. i didn’t know this before the race and in fact i thought she would probably like it because i would be easy to see. yet i was wrong. she said it made me look as if i was on some tasteless running teams, which i probably am without knowing it.
our friend david sangakoya got himself on the colbert report. don’t worry david you can be my friend.