Winter Running

I don’t feel like blogging about anything serious at the moment even though there are tons of things going on in the U.S. and the world. At the moment I don’t know what to say on the current events that I feel passionate about. Therefore, I decided I would briefly write about running in Wisconsin in the Winter. If you don’t run when it is cold or snowy then you typically aren’t going to be able to run in Wisconsin December through mid-March. According to Ranulph Fiennes “there is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” So here is how I run in the Winter.

  • Layers. It really isn’t very difficult to stay warm when run in the Winter. Once you get started your body is going to produce a lot of heat. When in doubt I like the Runners World What To Wear Guide for a general guideline of what to wear, Usually if it is above 10° I wear two technical shirts and a windbreaker. If it is colder than that I reduce a technical shirt and pull a lite fleece under the windbreaker. If it is in the negatives I add more technical shirts nd a thicker fleece. This has worked all the way down to -20° with a windchill down to -40°.
  • Socks. Buy some good Merino wool socks and sock liners. I like Darn Tough Vermont socks. The ski socks are particularly nice for Winter running and they have a lifetime warranty.
  • Pam thought I should include a non-reflective photo of my jacket to show the difference.

    Visibility. Since it gets dark pretty early around here it is difficult to run on a work day when there is full daylight. In addition to the lack of daylight the roads get more narrow throughout the Winter because of the snow berms that develop on each side of the road from the snow plows. I have been almost hit by cars a couple of times because of not being visible in these conditions. So I decided to correct that situation with some high visibility products. My RoadID bracelet offers a small amount of reflectivity but serves as my in case of emergency identification. My main reflective sources are reflective wrist and anklebands, a running strobe or two, and/or my ASICS Storm Shelter Jacket (I’m wearing it in the picture with this post). The ASICS Jacket has 3m reflective material woven throughout it and is those VERY bright.

  • My Yaktrax keep my life insurance policy from paying out.

    Traction. I am a klutz so maybe it is just me but Winter can get a little slippery. Naw, this video proves it isn’t just me. Things get even worse when Spring starts to come around with its thaw during the day and refreeze at night routine. So I wear a pair of Yaktrax. They usually last a few seasons and you can find them on sale for a better buy.

I’m not able to maintain the same mileage in the Winter that I do during the rest of the year, but I able to run enough miles to maintain my base level of running fitness. Also it feels pretty hardcore to run when it is snowing heavily.

Want to Raise Money for Clean Water? Run With Us.

I have run a few races as a part of Team World Vision raising money for clean water. Two weeks ago I ran the Eau Claire half marathon and saw that they had a large group of people running as a part of Team World Vision. I talked with one of the leaders and became convinced that we could do the same in Stevens Point. So I have decided to start looking for people who would be interested in starting this up and making it a thing in the Point area. We happen to have a wonderful half marathon in Stevens Point every year, the Justiceworks Just Run half marathon and 5k. The Just Run already supports a great agency, how much better would it be if we ran in such a way provided clean water for others? I think it would be a great thing and want to see about getting some others to join me.

So here’s my plan.

  • Try to get 7 other people to do this thing with me. Talking with the Eau Claire group they said that 8 people was enough to get the whole thing started and growing for the next year.
  • Register for the Justiceworks Just Run halfmarathon for September 5th at 8 am (that’s the Saturday of the Labor Day weekend and the Jazzfest) – Right now it is the early bird special rate of $50.
  • Get people to buy a Team World Vision jersey. I have my old one but I think I am going to buy another one because it is a little big for me now. It fit over my gorilla suit when I ran the Bock Run in March.
  • Start Saturday group runs June 13th, twelve weeks before the race. We’ll train as we want, individually or with others, during the week and then have group runs on Saturday where we all meet up to begin and meet afterward for coffee or lunch.
  • Start raising money for clean water.
  • Run the race and celebrate.

I’ve done this once before and it was a lot of fun running a race where people recognized the shirt you were wearing and cheered you on based just off what they knew the jersey represented. I think it would be real cool to turn this into a thing in Stevens Point. Anyone with me?

Stop And Take It In

Yesterday I was running on two of my favorite sections of the Green Circle Trail (the Paper Mill and River Pines sections). It was a beautiful Fall day, which made for enjoyable running. When I was running over the footbridge that traverses the Plover River I looked down and saw that someone had written “Stop and Take It In” right in the center of the bridge. You can see a photo of the script above.

As you can see from the image below, it was really good advice. I love Wisconsin in the Fall.


Darn Tough Socks are Wonderful

2013-07-27 11.29.53 2013-08-05 17.13.19

A few years ago (2009) I bought a couple of pairs of Darn Tough wool running socks. I didn’t know anything about the brand at the time, but they were wool and I had some bonus cash from a company that I needed to spend before it expired. These socks fit the bill of spending free credit (I didn’t even have to pay for postage). I quickly came to prize these socks, which is why I was crushed when a pair developed a hole in the heel. The socks have a lifetime guarantee but I was fairly sure this wouldn’t that wear and tear wouldn’t count for that. So I sent the president of the company the sock with the hole in it and a hand written letter praising the sock and saying I was going to continue buying them no matter what because they really were the most comfortable and durable running sock I had ever worn. I gave him my address just in case he wanted to send me a new pair socks but I wasn’t really counting on it.

Guess what arrived in the mail today? Oh yeah, a new pair of socks and a sticker. Darn Tough Socks are really wonderful.


Tapestry & Team World Vision

I just finished talking with a guy I met at the Whistlestop Marathon back in October of last year who coordinates Team World Vision groups. We talked about starting a group at Tapestry and getting people to run a race together, he suggested the Twin Cities Marathon in October, for the purpose of helping people have access to clean water. You see every $50 you raise in a Team World Vision group secures a person a LIFETIME of clean water in an area where it is desperately needs. That’s right I said a LIFETIME. I think that is very cool.

Anyhow he talked about this being something for non-runners more than runners which I thought was interesting. He had a good point and that is that it is more of a sacrifice for non-runners. I’ve run with Team World Vision before and I loved it. Jim, my brother-in-law, and I ran the Chicago Marathon as a part of Team World Vision and it was really cool but all we were doing was adding a good thing to an event we were already going to do. That’s a great and all but it isn’t really a sacrifice. A sacrifice is for a person to commit to doing something that scares him/her not because they want to love running or desire to check off a bucket list item but instead because they want to raise money for people to have clean water. That type of sacrifice can be transformational not just for the people being helped but also for the person helping and the community he/she belongs to. That’s pretty cool.

Now to find out what the Leadership Team thinks and then work through details such as:

  • Local event or premiere event – a premiere event means running with hundreds of other World Vision runners. 
  • Marathon or half marathon – the easier choice might not be best.
  • Starting training groups for all sorts of level.
  • Fund raising to provide as many people as possible with clean water.
  • Bringing others in to the group.
  • Pressing on toward the goal.

I also kind of like the thought of not allowing ourselves to quake in fear because of the horror that happened in Boston. Instead of just doing a symbolic thumbing of the nose to terrorists I believe running with Team World Vision turns our run it into an act of reducing the terror in the world by helping others to have clean water. God defeats evil with sacrificial love and I believe His people should too.

There is a really good chance you will hear more about this.

run, bike unite 2012

IMG_2532  IMG_2537

busy day so i can’t post much. just want to say how proud i am of pam and the boys. the whole terrell family did the 2012 united way run, bike, unite duathlon. adam and i did the whole thing and pam and noah where a relay team with pam running and noah biking. it was a blast. pam and i then rushed to get something to eat and clean up for brad and katie’s wedding. my wife looks wonderful covered in sweat and grim and cleaned up.

i’ve posted this in the break between the wedding and the reception. it is now time for the reception so i’ll now be leaving with my cute wife and going to attempt to dance. i say attempt because i am not very good at it.

here you go mom


for some reason my mom seems to worry about me running. so i figured i would post a photo of where i have been recently running on the green circle trail. this should make her feel better. this is for you mom. this is the most danger i have ever faced while running. that is except for the winter when there is ice on the road. the ice is much more dangerous.

a new thing

the station me

i love running and i love running races. the race atmosphere is always a lot of fun and very encouraging. part of the reason that pam started running was because she so enjoyed the atmosphere of the road races that i was running in and she wanted to be a part of it.

i love biking. this love has developed since moving to the point area. we have such wonderful weather and trails for biking. biking is a part of the spring and summer culture around here and i have been sucked into it.

since i love running, biking, and races i thought it might be a good idea to try a duathlon and thereby combine these items. i did my first today. it was the portage country united way “run, bike, unite” duathlon. i thought it would be a simple way of testing this combination of two activities i love. all i can say is that the combination of running and biking kicked my butt worse than either of those activities ever has ever done by themselves. since i had never done a duathlon before i didn’t really know what to expect. i was pretty pleased with my time of 1:26:35 for a 2 mile run/ 13 mile bike ride/ 2 mile run. i biked a little faster than i had thought i would.

i think i’ll end up doing this again.

well crud!


i’ve been training for grandma’s marathon in duluth, mn for about 4 months. i was pretty excited about it because i have been consistently running personal best times with each of the last 4 races i have run. i was convinced that i was going to break 4:30:00 for this marathon. this is not fast but it is better for me. for the first time i really trained for a marathon rather than just a half marathon. unfortunately auto trouble has killed my excitement.

i was driving from point to duluth tonight to pick up my race packet for the race spooner tomorrow. i stopped for fuel just outside the thriving metropolis of spooner, wisconsin (population 2,653 – SALUTE!). up until this point everything had been running fine. my car had not indicated any trouble. the problem occurred when i tried to start the car back up. nothing happened. well that’s not actually correct. all the power came on which indicated that the battery has plenty of juice. but the starter didn’t even budge. no sound, no rotation, nothing. so it is either starter trouble or ignition trouble (i’m guessing ignition because the wheel suddenly doesn’t lock). all i know is that the tow truck operator says there is no one in town who works on mazdas and he can’t take me to a town large enough to have a mechanic that does work on mazdas until later tonight.

so i am now sitting in the schmidt’s economart deli waiting for 8 p.m. when the tow truck driver will take me to chippewa falls which is a little closer to home. the good news is that schmidt’s has wifi in addition to its greasy food and thankfully perry and andrea polnaszek are going to put me up for the night. i’ll make plans for tomorrow.

i am very thankful for my friends in chippewa falls but my feelings about the general situation are ARGH!!!!!

SIDE NOTE – if there is anyone in duluth who would like my bib number contact me and i will gladly give it to you so you can go all bandit on the race.

pretty proud of my woman


i’m pretty proud of my cute wife. saturday after 11 weeks of training she ran her first ever 5k race (washington elementary school’s tiger trek race). this is huge. pam has never run before and 11 months ago she had major back surgery. she’s a little disappointed with her time because she didn’t finish within the goal she had set for herself but i am so pumped about the fact that she did it and is continuing to run.

it is so amazing to me that her back is now strong enough for her to not only be active but run races. she is impressive.