
tonight after “the view“, our youth worship service, i went out to chili’s with a few people to talk over what i talked about tonight. i enjoyed the conversation with eveyone but i didn’t really want to eat because i was going to go home soon and watch “lost” since everyone else was going to eat i decided to just get a small appetizer and i decided upon chili’s bottomless bowl of chips and salsa. their salsa is about the most disgusting thing i have ever tasted. it was as though someone had taken a can of spaghetti o’s, strained out the the pasta, and added a few lame mexican spices. it was all the worse because we were supposed to have gone to casa lavida (my favorite mexican restaurant in baton rouge) but the plans were changed because blaine had eaten mexican food for lunch.

oh it was nasty and the chips weren’t any better.

One Reply to “yuck”

  1. hey…this is…guess who?….Alisha in peru! well, i’ll take the advice to not get Chili’s dip….that is one of the few major american resturants we have here in lima. Actually, i am considering “making a promise” or something ….to not eat at any American resturants anymore here in peru unless it is for something important and i have to. this is becaus eany time we go out to eat, someone from our mission always chooses american resturants to go to and i think thatgoing to a peruvian resturant would help me become more like “one of them” … eating the things they eat everyday. well, life has been a roller coaster…but a fun one. there are always struggles and trials that come my way…but God constantly holds me tight and tells me that everything will be ok. i am doing better … if yuo know what i mean. prayer really helps and i have good days and bad days. i will talk to you later!

    HIS child,


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