
i’m supposed to be working at this moment but i’m burnt out on what i am writing right now so i decided to waste a little time and try out twitter. it’s basically a public timeline – a way of showing everyone else what you are doing during the day. it’s probably a waste of time that i will give up in a week but right now i figure it will be fun to record my days for awhile. you can look me up at

i love all the social networking stuff on the web but i do find it ironic within myself that i hate giving out marketing research to companies but i will gladly give it away for free on the net when it is within social networking community. if you were a company trying to sell me something all you would have to do is look at twitter, flickr,, 43things, and allconsuming and you would know what type of products i would buy. i know it’s inconsistent but that’s what keeps me a mystery. đŸ˜‰

speaking of being a mystery i discovered a CHRISTmas present today (4/12/2007) in the box on the outside of my study door. it was a gift card that had somehow stuck to a piece of paper that i had placed in the clear plastic folder holding box on the outside of my study door. it was a great surprise but then i felt pretty lousy for not thanking the gift giver until today (almost 5 months after the gift was given). at least i had actually given him a gift at CHRISTmas because it would have otherwise been a little too late to return the favor of the gift.
[tags]twitter, social networking, time logging[/tags]

ignored beauty

there is some great stuff on some of the blogs i read. one of those blogs is len evans and he had the above video on his blog yesterday. the video is amazing. the video is from an article in the washington post on the world renown violinist joshua bell playing for 45 minutes as a street performer in a plaza. the whole thing was done to see how many people would recognize the beauty and talent that was along the path that they were desperately rushing through.

how much beauty did we walk past today without giving it a second look?
[tags]joshua bell, beauty, ignored, washing post[/tags]