the week in tweets – 2009-10-24

  • driving down a lonely road today i actually saw tumbleweed roll in front of me and suddenly felt like i was in a bad western. #
  • thanks mark sanchez for a negative qb score on my fantasy team – NEGATIVE! SHEESH! #
  • Apparently blocks of cheese in a suitcase look suspicious to the TSA because they just pulled my bag and did a chemical test on it. #
  • lady beside me on my 1st flight covered her mouth & nose the sec we lifted off & uncovered the sec we landed. why? air diff on ground? #
  • last part of the seminar for the day. unfortunately i ate a filling supper which is now making me sleepy. please let this lecture be short. #
  • @meganckelly – awesome hanging out with you and @joshcausey (though i should have been sleeping). so have you eaten any cheese yet? in reply to meganckelly #
  • Dr. Holcomb started talking about GOD's image being shown through a tapestry and I smiled like a fool the whole time. #
  • @dannygilliam – yep – even when he's not really affirming what we're doing BUT I CAN TWITST IT THAT WAY! 🙂 #
  • Hello Chick-fil-a biscuit my old friend. Welcome to my stomach. #
  • the glory of GOD is a human being who is fully alive – irenaus of lyons #
  • Eatting at Cane's and my fictitious name for the day is Humphrey. Cashier shortened to Hump. Should be fun when shouted for my order. #
  • – Here's the receipt #
  • Why do jerks always seen to show up in TSA lines? We're all miserable and you being rude to the hourly workers doesn't help anyone. #
  • SCORE! I got the single row on the regional plane that is my last flight of the day. Oh how i love you beautiful single row seat of mine. #
  • 1st time i've been on a plane that had to turn around due to engine troubles. now time for the redux. i hate commercial air travel. #
  • @johnthemember – you guys have that much snow already? jealous. #
  • Adam and I just saw a fox. I love Wisconsin wildlife. #
  • @ppolnaszek – uhmmm. that's dr. terrell 🙂 in reply to ppolnaszek #

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