In this case the “threads” in question are the “threads” who regularly setup for our Sunday night worship gathering. I try to be the first person at setup each week and to start working before anyone else gets there. When I can’t be there early I make sure the setup team knows it and I try to make sure there is extra help there. This weekend I was (and I still am at this point) on call for my Clinical Pastoral Education time at St. Michael’s Hospital. I have been called in to the hospital several times today. I was just returning from one call at St. Mike’s and pulling into Washington Elementary school at 4 p.m. (my normal time to get there) when I received another call to get back to the hospital for an emergency. Crud. I was a little freaked out and worried about the setup but there was no need for me to be because the “threads” jumped up and took care of it all. I rushed back to Washington a little after 5 p.m. to find everything had already been taken care of. You guys are the best.