Baptism @ Tapestry


I just want to make sure that all “threads” know that this week we will gather at the Metallos’ home (2727 County Rd K N, Custer, Wisconsin) for a baptism gathering instead of meeting at Washington Elementary School. We’ll still meet at 6 p.m. and we will still have pick up at the Debot Circle at UWSP.

Since this is a Tapestry baptism we will also feed each other. The Metallos’ are baking potatoes so please try to bring a salad, dessert, or something that would make for a good baked potato topping. Feeding each other is important so please be a part of it.

This is a great time to invite people who don’t know much about the way of Jesus. Instead of hearing the good news of Jesus’ kingdom they will see a physical example of the good news of Jesus’ kingdom. Also they will experience a community of people who love each other. Invite as many people as you would like.

Here’s the facebook link to the event.

2 Replies to “Baptism @ Tapestry”

  1. Robert,
    You are truly one of the most inspirational people I have ever had the privilege of meeting. I know for a fact that you have helped my Mom,(Jan Ronchetto), through some very troubling times in her life and that alone makes my heart sing. I am also very grateful for your blind faith in helping others through prayer, people that you’ve never met, (my son and his wife).

    You are forever a friend of mine,

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