My kids are really cool. This is probably because their mom is really cool. I can list reasons why I am proud of all three of them (2 kiddos and 1 wifeakins) but this week has been the “week of Adam”.
Thus far this week he has:
- Been offered and accepted his first professional job in his field of study.
- Successful defended his thesis fur his Masters degree.
- Received a graduate research scholarship in recognition for his research.
Like I wrote earlier, he’s a pretty cool kid. I am incredibly proud of him.
Pam and I have been discussing how this week feel like we have kind of reach the parenting “finish line” for him. We know that isn’t true, there will be other parenting things that continue to happen. Still it does still kind of feel like a finish line has been approached.
SIDE NOTE – We’ve been calling this “the week of Adam” in reference to Seinfeld’s “Summer of George”. Therefore, when ever you say “the week of Adam” you must shout it in a George Cosantza voice. It is more fun that way. Go ahead and try it. You will find that it is fun. IT’S THE WEEK OF ADAM!