First, At the moment I’m having a hard time not broadly smiling and thereby looking a little creepy. I’m at Emy J’s finalizing my message PowerPoint slides for Tapestry tomorrow while listening to a Christmas playlist that Noah put together. Over the Sinatra influenced playlist I can hear the constant hum of indistinguishable conversation between friends. Tomorrow I am talking from the Creation story about us being created in the image of God (the Imago Dei), and I am convinced that the Image is that we were created for community by the God Who is community in and of Himself. Therefore, friends smiling, talking, and laughing together is a pretty good soundtrack for finalizing thoughts on a message related to the Imago Dei. I am sure that the music of the domain of God will be praise directed toward our Creator, but I tend to believe that the background Muzak of the presence of God will be a steady hum of loved ones talking and laughing together. I think that sound makes God smile.
Second, there is a young lady here who is wearing a fanny pack.