If you are a part of Tapestry Church I would like to tell you that your pastor got his first coronavirus vaccine shot today. I highly encourage you to do the same thing when you get the chance. #GetTheShot
I don’t really understand why this is political for some people. It isn’t for me. I suspect that it has become political for some because for so many people in our culture your political ideology is basically your faith. It is what brings meaning and purpose to your life. In such cases, people who hold such views would rather their kids marry someone from a different religion than someone from a different political affiliation.
When such beliefs are held whose side you are on becomes the determining factor of whether you are a good person or a bad person. Then everything has to be understood through political ideology. The vehicle you drive, the restaurants you eat out, where you shop, where you get your coffee, and whether or not you get the coronavirus vaccine is viewed as a chance to tell others what side of the political spectrum you are on. It is all about whose team you are on.
For me the vaccine is a way of upping my odds of not needing to go to the hospital for COVID-19 complications and thereby helping my neighbor. This is why I encourage you to get the shot.