what did i say

today i filled in for three out of four parkview high school bible teachers. i taught the classes as a group. it was fun but i learned something. i am not meant to be a school teacher. don’t get me wrong i love teaching. i get to do alot of it. i love to study for the lesson, prepared the lesson, and give the lesson. yet doing this within ministry is different. i don’t have to teach the same lesson 6 times in one day. i teach the same lesson twice at most. i might preach the same message three times but that’s very unlikely. today, subbing for the bible teachers i had to teach the same lesson six times. by the end of it i was boring myself on a subject that i like very much. i loved preparing this lesson and it was fun being with all the students but there is no way i could do that every day. if i had to teach the same lesson six times every day i’m afraid i would go absolutely crazy and start slobbering and such. after around the third time of doing the lesson i began to forget which points i had made in which classes and what stories i had told to illustrate what point. it all began to run together and get very confusing. i think i now understand better why my high school teachers shouted all the time…they were stark-raving mad from teaching the same lesson all day long. i’m really surprised more teachers aren’t on very large doses of prozac.

while driving back from the parkview football game tonight (which was boring because they were killing their opponent) i saw a guy cutting his front yard. it was 9:40 p.m. and his riding lawn mower only had one working head light. this seemed really odd to me. i’ll have to drive by the guy’s house tomorrow and see if the yard looks any good. if he was able to do a decent job of mowing his front yard in the pitch black night then i may just have to stop and tell him that i am impressed. i figure if you have to mow your lawn at 9:40 p.m. on a friday night then your life is probably too busy.

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