freedom of simplicity

i am about to finish richard foster’s book “freedom of simplicity” and i need to say that with only two chapters left it is an amazingly butt kicking book. any book by foster is inherently prophetic but always within a real world context. foster offers workable solutions to changing from a complex to a simple life. it is going to take me months and months of conversation with my wife to figure out what this means for us.

[Listening to: I am – anyma – Volume 1 (4:28)]

just a test

love expired?
i’m just testing right now to see if my “post by email” option works.

i’ve stopped posting as much over the past two months because i’ve
been focused on other things. some of these are:

1)i’ve been focusing on my photography
which is just too much fun.
2)i’ve decided that i want to run a 5k (and then maybe move up to a
10k, etc.) and i started’s couch to
training program. this week i am running 2.5 miles sunday,
tuesday, and thursday (i’m on week 7).
3)it’s the summer and therefore the youth ministry has me jumping
all over the place.

still i enjoy typing into this blog and my other blog and so i’m
starting to do it again.

Statue of Liberation?

Statue of Liberation
Originally uploaded by rcooper.

something is really wrong with our faith when we combine national symbols with the symbols of our faith. the powers of rome and judea feared what CHRIST represented because they saw that HE was dangerous to their hold on power. this doesn’t seem to really fit in with the MESSIANIC JEWISH REVOLUTIONARY that the new testament portrays.

now don’t get me wrong. i love my country. i haven’t been all over the world but i’ve been to western europe, easten europe, and central america and i like the system we have here in the u.s. of a. better than anything else i have experienced. yet, i don’t like it enough to worship it. being a citizen of the united states is not where my first loyalty lies. nope it’s a different kingdom that holds my highest loyalty and i constantly struggle to make sure nothing else (money, power, consumerism, etc) gets in the way of that loyalty.

i can’t see that a “statue of liberation” would be a good thing.

[Listening to: I am – anyma – Volume 1 (4:28)]