pam's eye for the straight guy

awhile back pam said i needed new clothes. this is a big deal because i rarely buy clothes. my clothes usually come from birthday and CHRISTmas presents. until recently this system had worked pretty well for me. i had clothes and i didn’t have to go shopping. it was the best of both worlds.

a few weeks ago pam said i had to get some new clothes because i had worn out most of my better looking outfits and the others were working terribly out of date. i looked at what i was wearing and determined that she was right. so pam took me shopping and i came back with nice looking clothes.

i know the clothes are nice looking because today everyone has been telling me so. seriously, i have had two different groups of people say “you’re looking very good today.” it’s not something that i am used to. i will probably have to take pam’s advice more often.