sort of attacked


secondly, i was kind of attacked while running this past saturday. it was by a dog. this kills me because i love dogs. in fact, dogs usually love me. it’s part of my charm. i like dogs and they like me. except for this dog. he was not a fan.

i actually don’t blame the dog. it’s owner was walking along on the trail without holding on to its lease. the lease was just hanging to the side of the dog while the dog was running around. when i was about ‘100 away i could see the dog running free. he would run off and then come back to its owner and then run off again. it was also at this time that the dog saw me and decided that it’s goal for the day was to bite me. so it ran full tilt in my direction. i screamed for the owner to grab her dog but she was too busy with what was obviously a very important cell phone conversation to help me with her dog. it must have been an important conversation because surely no one would allow their dog to attack a runner just so they could continue a conversation concerning “twilight.” when the dog reached me and jumped at my throat i kneed it in the chest to knock it away. this worked pretty good so i moved quickly into my second line of defense which was to stretch my arms out and look as big as i could. i wasn’t really trying to scare the dog as much as i was trying to get the cell phone talking owner’s attention. it worked. she ran over grabbed the dogs leash and told me “you did the right thing” as she pulled her barking and lunging dog away from me.

i really wish i could tell you that the dog was a toy puddle or something so you could enjoy a fun visual image but the dog was about the size of a german shepherd and it put a decent amount of fear into my day. the only thing i rememer afterward is thinking how odd the lady’s statement was. “you did the right thing.” thanks lady. nice to know that i did the right thing while you were ignoring your runner chasing dog and talking on you phone. it was really not what i was expecting to hear.

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