sometimes the best protest is laughter

We Have Signs

westboro baptist church is an infected pimple on the name of CHRIST. they are awful and in my opinion embarrass JESUS by claiming to be followers of HIS while joyfully spreading hate all over the place.

anyhow i read this article concerning an interesting counter protest in regards to a westboro protest that was happening in front of the twitter office. the counter protest was a series of absurd signs that helped point out the stupidity of the westboro signs.

here’s the article.

the week in tweets – 2010-01-30

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attractional & incarnational approaches

i’m almost finished with the tangible kingdom by hugh halter and matt smay and i’ve enjoyed it thus far. i may be enjoying it more because the book was recommended to me from two different people who said they were reminded of tapestry while they were reading it (thanks john & trey). the more i read of the book the more thankful i am that people think we are doing something similar. it’s a nice compliment.
i’m not going to write much about the book until i finish it but i thought i would go ahead and point out the differences that halter and smay and see between attractional and incarnational evangelism.
here’s the table they have in the book:
attractional approach incarnational approach
unbeliever is invited to church sojourner is invited to belong
unbeliever confesses belief sojourner confesses interest
unbeliever repeats a prayer sojourner experiences the good news
believer joins a church sojourner participates in community
cognitive discipleship experiential apprenticeship
focus: counting confessions focus: transformation
believing enables belonging belonging enables believing

i think their lists are pretty accurate. i much prefer the incarnational model, especially the idea of apprenticeship. we need let people try on faith to determine if they really believe or not.

the week in tweets – 2010-01-23

  • i'm right-handed, so why is it easier for me to read and type with just my left hand? #
  • just renegotiated our bundle with charter cable. i saved $60 and got a dvr in the deal. woohoo! thanks for the comparison bundle at&t. #
  • any of you guys use a lent devotional at your church? if so what? #
  • @dhaltom7 – a devotional for lent :). in reply to dhaltom7 #
  • @drewcausey – thanks drew in reply to drewcausey #
  • anyone ever taken ""developing a missionalchurch" PMCP8303 at nobts? i'm looking for opinions on taking it. #
  • @meganckelly-thanks but right now i'm really just trying to figure out if the seminar is worth taking. worried that nobts' missional may be in reply to meganckelly #
  • @allisonrichmond – i believe i know the "what's his face" you are asking about and he is no longer there. this is with tolbert & pinkard in reply to allisonrichmond #
  • @dannygilliam – well you being there is a positive. in reply to dannygilliam #
  • the tapestry's topic for sunday demands use of zeppelin's "stairway to heaven." but "how" is the question. perhaps pam interpretive dancing? #
  • tapestry's topic for sunday demands use of zeppelin's "stairway to heaven." but "how" is the question. perhaps pam interpretive dancing? #
  • Meeting with the Touched Twice United board. I love and believe in this group. You should get your church involved with it. #

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till we have faces


oh how i love c.s. lewis. noah’s middle name comes from “the great one” – i even tried to convince pamela that clive would have been a good first name since it is a sansom family name but she wouldn’t go for it. i think pamela expresses my thoughts best when she says that she hates reading anything by lewis because she feels like highlighting the entire book (well i agree with her except for the “hate” part – every line being amazing is why i love reading lewis).

till we have faces anyhow i used the drive to my atlanta workshop to listen to an unabridged recording of “till we have faces ” – i thought it might be dangerous to actually read a hardback while driving. 😉 this is my absolute favorite of lewis’s fiction. it is a retelling of the myth of cupid and psyche. while it is definitely one of lewis’s least theologically blatant books it has some serious depth to it when you read it with the eyes of faith. i actually quoted from it today when emailing a friend. that’s what i love about lewis’s writing – his works connect so perfectly with real human emotion, needs, and struggles.

some of the last lines of the book blow me away every time i read them. orual’s last words are..

i ended my first book with the words “no answer.” i now know, lord, why you utter no answer. you are yourself the answer. before your face questions die away. what other answer would suffice? only words, words to be led out to battle against other words. long did i hate you, long did i fear you. i might —

goosebumps! i’ve read the book 7 or 8 times and each time near the end of the book i get excited about reading those words.

lewis is the man! you need to read this book. go get a copy now!

fickering pixels

flickering pixels

last night i finished “flickering pixels" by shane hipps. i first heard shane at the 2009 q ideas conference and he was incredible. his discussion concerning “the medium being the message” in regards to the gospel was enough for me to want to read more. thankfully i didn’t have to buy his book, which i would have done, because it was provided in the conference bag (i love free stuff, especially when it is good free stuff). needless to say i was looking forward to reading the book.

like i said i finished the book last night. it was great. shane is a great speaker and this has translated well into his writing. i haven’t heard anyone else discussing how technology can and does shape our faith or the dangers of some of the methods that we use. how do our cell phones, computers, dvr, etc. effect our love for GOD and others? its an important question and one that i think hipps does a a great job of bringing up.

if anyone in point wants to read it my copy is now available.