pam – the impressive wife


thoses of you who know pam know that i definitely married above myself. she’s smart, cute, and GODly. i’m proud to belong to her. i thought i would share with you guys and girls that read this little blog of mine that earlier today pam left for an operation smile project in nicaragua. she has been on several operation smile projects before and wasn’t planning on going on this one but the speech pathologist that was going on the trip broke one of her legs. this means the project was short a speech pathologist, a very important part of the team when dealing with cleft palate repair.

if there’s something weird and it don’t look good, who you gonna call? pam terrell apparently 🙂

anyhow, on her first operation smile trip pam kept everyone updated concerning how the project was going via a blog. she’s decided to do it again which means you can follow her adventure by going here. i’m pretty much always proud of her.

2 Replies to “pam – the impressive wife”

  1. Dear Robert

    I have only ‘met’ Pam via the internet and she has been a real inspiration to me. So thank her for me. I look forward to seeing her at some stage (with her good family, of course.)

    Elizabeth (from across the pond)

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