best laid plans of mice and me

i posted awhile back about working a directed study concerning moltmann’s theology of the TRINITY as a part of my d.min program. well it kind of back fired on me. since the dean of the d.min program was on vacation at the time i was having trouble getting in touch with him for the purpose of getting my directed study approved . his signature would be the last step necessary to make the directed study happen. i therefore emailed him saying that since it didn’t look  like i would be able to get everything approved for this trimester i want to see about having it approved for the next. i then went ahead and registered for another seminar (family counseling) for this trimester. unfortunately for my dr. ogea is a really nice guy and fast tracked everything during his vacation. he was able to get me registered for the directed study. now instead of my normal one doctoral level seminar i am now taking two. should make for a busy summer. woohoo!

here’s the syllabus for my directed study and the works that i will now begin studying.