wanting to be someone


i have posted before about my fascination concerning the journey of earnest shackleton and the endurance. i read everything i can get my hands on and i watch everything i can find concerning the journey. last night i started watching the endurance and was struck by a statement concerning thomas orde-lees made by one of his grandsons. orde-lees’s grandson said:

my grandfather always wanted to be someone. this is why he would refuse to row. that was something everyone did. yet when the need for bailing was reached my grandfather bailed like a mad man for the entire night. of course, everyone would remember that. gentleman don’t row but they will do whatever is necessary to save everyone else.

the grandson’s statement is said with a wink and a nod because he obviously recognizes the absurdity of not rowing when it is needed because it is “common” while bailing like a madman because it is uncommon. at least at this point in his journey orde-lees was apparently only interested in serving others when it would be lauded but not when it was in anonymity.

i wonder how many times i do things just when others will see it? or how many times i avoid serving when it will go unseen? how often do i believe and behave like orde-lees?

i think gentlemen do the menial things that never receive the glory and allow others to chase after the meaningless credit. i hope i usually live like it.

sunday at iverson

the gym floor is being redone this week at washington elementary school and therefore we need to move to a new location for the week. so we’ll do what we usually do in such circumstances and turn it into an opportunity for some great time together … WE’LL MOVE TO IVERSON PARK FOR THE NIGHT. we’ll hold an outdoor worship gathering at iverson (the pavilion) and then cookout and eat together (always a biblical thing). there are a few of you who have mentioned to me that you need to be baptized. i know this is short notice but this would be a great time for it. please let me know if you would like to do it this sunday. for everyone else please bring chips and/or dessert. tapestry’s funds will provide the drinks, brats, burgers, and vegan stuff.

the week in tweets – 2010-08-01

  • RT @CSLewis_: "If we only have the will to walk, then God is pleased with our stumbles." – C. S. Lewis #
  • CHRISTian faith in GOD w/o hope 4 the future of the world has called forth a secular hope 4 the future of the world w/o faith n GOD-Moltmann #
  • i borrowed a film strip titled "tommie visits church" and a projector to use at @sptapestry for an upcoming message. how awesome is that? #
  • @joshcausey – i saw this deal on shamwow packs and thought you would like to know about it 🙂 http://tinyurl.com/265aov4 #
  • i am working on a "business style" resume rather than "ministry style" resume for the first time in 18 years. do i remember how to make one? #
  • @jwilmore you're always bad 🙂 in reply to jwilmore #
  • @jwilmore – actually i was talking about your smell 🙂 in reply to jwilmore #
  • i once again have a blank passport. i don't really like having a blank passport. #
  • I am not used to my 16 year old son intoducing be to music I actually like – this is as brave new world! #
  • james 3:1-2 (http://twurl.nl/j2cep1) in mind, what is the core difference between a teacher & a non-teacher w/n the church? everyone teaches #
  • i can't study at emy j's because of the VERY LOUD 3 year old boy at the next table BUT i sure am SMILING LARGE because of him so it's ok. #
  • it is not the profession that does honor to the person but the person to his/her profession – james adamson #
  • i'm not an anti-dentite! #
  • it has a canon label on it but i still really want this camera lens coffee mug. http://bit.ly/cameralensmug #
  • i tried to run 14 miles this morning but was overcome by the MOSQUITOES on the plover river trail and gave up at mile 10. #
  • FINALLY my salsa has some jalapenos with some kick to them (i prefer serranos) and my salsa is spicy! my tongue is on fire and life is good. #

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