Testing the MP3 Player’s Camera

The mp3 player that I use to listen to my podcasts (a Samsung Galaxy Player) has a video camera on it. After coming home from Emy J’s for lunch I thought I would test it while walking the basset hounds. The above video is the result. Now all I need is to find an Android app to edit clips together.

Well that isn’t completely true. I also need to eat lunch which is the egg rolls Pam made for supper last night. Mhmm. Homemade egg rolls.

Community Bible Experience & Zombies

Last night was the first of the two Community Bible Experience (CBE) groups that Tapestry is doing this fall. I love my experience with CBE. Last night was no different. An added benefit was that Jacob came a little early and somehow we began debating whether or not humanity would survive a zombie apocalypse. Based on his reading of “World War Z” (which I have not read) Jacob was convinced that humanity would survive. I, on the other hand, argued based on pretty much every zombie move ever made that humanity would ultimately be overrun by the zombies unless we developed a vaccine. In my opinion without a vaccine we would all eventually die or become the enemy. As you can tell it was a great discussion with which to start reading the New Testament. 🙂