As a part of my Clinical Pastoral Education I am in the process of being a chaplain intern at St. Michael’s hospital. This has meant going up to St. Mike’s for various “employee” setup activities over the past two days. Today’s was visit one of three for my employee health screening.
While in the nurse’s office I started to notice the Muzak that was playing through the PA system. It was Rich Mullins. I thought to myself, “I love Rich Mullins” and then moved on with the rest of the visit. Leaving the Employee Health office I started walking to the Spiritual Services office and noticed that they were playing Derek Webb and once again I thought to myself “I love Derek Webb.” After that song the next song was a rather obscure song from Waterdeep and I thought to myself “this is the best Muzak station ever. I am going to love interning here.
When I got to my supervisor’s office and sat down he immediately asked “do you hear that?” I didn’t hear anything. So he asked “is your phone ringing.” I took it out and looked. Nope, nothing there. He then asked “do you hear that music?” I told him that all I heard was the PA Muzak. That’s when he told me there was no Muzak in the hospital.
Turn’s out my mp3 player had been playing my music the whole time. At least I know I really like my music. 🙂