Pam regularly gets calls from professional “head hunters.” It is a part of her being awesome and in a profession that has a high value and need. She received another call today. She doesn’t even know about most of the calls she gets because I know she loves being a professor, so I just delete most of the calls she receives, while telling her every now and then that she received a call, just so she knows she is incredible.
While I understand them in professions, I have always been thrown off by ministerial “head hunting.” Every now and then I receive emails or phone calls from some ministerial search company. I’ve received two from ministersearch.com this week. To be honest I kind of get mad every time I receive one of these blind, cold call emails/calls.
Why? Well if the gospel is about the relational God wanting to redeem fallen people into relationship with Him, then the way those gathered together as His people should function is relationally. In other words, the church should functionally relationally because we belong to the relational God. I can’t imagine calling someone to lead a church in such a non-relational manner and expecting good things to happen. We should function out of who we are, and this type of heading hunting functioning makes me worry about who such churches are.
On the note of “head hunters”. It’s amazing to me the lengths they will go to get a hold of me (and other people). Including contacting me on my work number when its not even listed anywhere. It is indeed cool to know you’re talented enough to be contacted, but on the flip side it gets to be annoying after a while.