Pam and the boys gave me quite possibly the best gift ever. Last year Pam and I wee walking through a Barnes & Noble when I saw a display of soft leather cover classic books. I mentioned to her that I wish I could find such a copy of any of several C.S. Lewis books that I could carry around with me to read when I had a spare moment. I specifically mentioned finding “Till We Have Faces”. There are many books that I love and have read many times, but the two books that I reread the most are the Bible and Till We Have Faces. I don’t know how many times I have reread TWHF but I believe it is around 10 times.
Pam listened, remembered, and the boys joined in our her conspiracy.
They ordered a 1st English edition (I already have a 1st American edition) and then snuck it to a professional binder who converted it from original hardcover into a soft, supple leather cover. It is pure perfection. I absolutely love it. It will be in my possible the vast majority of time.