Above is the video that was used for our virtual “gathering” for Tapestry church today. Here are a few thoughts of gratitude at the moment.
I am amazingly thankful for the technology that allowed this today and I still don’t want to normally use it. It was great to know that we could do this, but personally I really missed everyone. This might be the only option for a little while because we have several people in our group that are in at-risk populations and we have several people in our group that are in front-line higher exposure employments. We’ll approach the future by trying to make sure that we limit the risk that our family is exposed to necessarily. The simple technology (basically our phones) that we used today enabled us to do this in a format

I am very thankful for the people who jumped up and made things happen. Thursday evening we still had a meeting place and were really just concerned with how we could sanitize effectively. Friday morning at 9:30 am we no longer had a place to gather and had to come up with something else. The plan was finalized and executed by lat night at 7:30 p.m. I have 4 videos from “threads” that I didn’t include in today’s video that I will use in the near future – either at a location or during another virtual “gathering”. Y’all are amazing.
I’m not sure what the immediate future for our worship gatherings will look like. Meeting together? Meeting in homes? More virtual “gatherings”? What I know is that the “threads” that make up this body of Christ will respond. For that, I can do nothing but be grateful.

SIDE NOTE – I didn’t try Facebook Live or Youtube Live today for this virtual “gathering” because I wasn’t comfortable enough with it. Streaming live video from a phone would have been easy but the route we chose was a video that included lots of people at various times. I wasn’t as comfortable streaming a prerecorded video file – which requires an encoder. Now after a little bit of non-emergency tinkering, I have figured it out. Next time we will be able to at least watch the pre-recorded video together live and respond to one another. If we have to do this I look forward to responding to one another and commenting. That will feel even more like home.
In the midst of this weird time of societal distancing live your faith in the God Who is relational and wash your hands … a lot.
Robert, can or do you record your messages every week? I’d love to be able to hear them.
Carol Dominguez
Most certainly Carol. You can find them here, unless they aren’t recorded (which happens sometimes) – http://stevenspointtapestry.org/sermon-archive/