Dry January Makes Me Sad

My day typically starts with Premiere Insight’s Bible in a Year podcast and NPR’s Up First podcast. It’s a great way to begin each day.

Today, while listening to Up First, they discussed the growing number of people participating in Dry January. Although I am not a drinker, I have no judgment against anyone who drinks responsibly. If someone drinks irresponsibly, I won’t judge them either; instead, I’ll try to get them some help. My mindset is, “there but for the grace of God go I.”

What concerned me was that a national news program had a segment about choosing not to drink, and the tone suggested it would be a burden and difficult. Why would the tone be like this? Steve Inskeep, one of the hosts, responded with “boring” (albeit jokingly) when Lelia Fadel, the other host, mentioned, “And there’s plenty of other stuff you can do together, like do an arts and crafts night, go roller skating, cook together…” It just concerns me that this was considered a story for a national news program and they chose this tone. It also concerns me that I believe it is consistent for how many feel.

The whole thing just made me sad.