parkview school is about to dismiss for the day and thus a swarm of students are about to run into my study. i’m not complaining about this. afterall, these kids are some of the ones that are the purpose of my job. i just realize that i can’t do anything that requires concentration during this time. so now i’m wasting 10 minutes until they get out and the chaos ensues.
so here are a few random thoughts
- thanks to my plea and a similar plea by my wife i now have two portrait shoots to practice on. cool. i get to try new things. i like that.
- thanks to laura p. i’ve been asked to speak at a college retreat for zoar baptist. you guys probably don’t know this but speaking a another church is “gravy” for a minister. all the real ministry takes place with you guys. you know if what i say and do are real. everything that i will talk about with zoar will have gone through the filter of your ears. i’ll know if it connected or not based on how you responded. glen, the college minister at zoar, has to do all the hard work. i just walk in there and talk for a little while. like i said it’s gravy.
- running in cold weather is one of the greatest things ever. i ran 10.4 miles sunday night and barely broke a sweat.
- i miss snow. a friend has been blogging about snow and it’s made me miss it.
- if some of you want to help sunday night at the fall festival we could use it. the youth are doing a dunking booth and serving food to raise money for nicaragua.
- i love ron tyndal, the counselor at our church. he is ine of the greatest people ever.
okay, the rush is about to happen so i’ll end my random thoughts.
my run for the day
distance – 3.0 miles
total time – 28:45
pace – 9:32/mile
[Listening to: Clocks – Coldplay – A Rush Of Blood To The Head (5:09)]