youth ministry & church

i could make this a long post but i’m not going to. i just thought i would quickly say that good church and good youth ministry often resemble each other. i think you can take a good youth ministry model (not the stupid ra-ra stuff) and use it to make a JESUS loving, life & community changing church. i would lump college ministry in on this also. i don’t really think you can do that with any of type of ministry. no buddy ever says “why can’t church be more like choir” or at least i’ve never been around anyone who said that. i would say you could do it with senior adult ministry but they are usually too busy going on trips to branson to start a church. 🙂

i think the reason for this are because good youth ministry usually embodies the things that a church should embody – loving one another, loving others, loving GOD, etc.

SIDE NOTE – has anyone ever used a camcorder as a document camera/presenter? i’m think of using an old camcorder as a document projector to see if i would like using one during tapestry. i figure i’ll test it out before looking into buying an elmo or something similar.

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