i can’t let her be that woman


i saw a lady in our neighborhood pushing one of these down our street today. that’s right she had placed her cat in a caged off stroller for the purpose of taking the cat on a walk around the block (as a dog owner ethics i will not link to the awful device). while i usually would applaud anything that encourages a person to exercise i simply cannot encourage this. THIS IS WRONG!

the potential of pamela using one of these is scary to me. pam has told me before that one of her goals is to eventually become to “crazy, old, cat lady.” if i pass away too soon she might actually use one of these to walk our two cats around the neighborhood. this cannot be allowed to happen.

yet another reason that i run … to prevent pam from becoming that lady.

and the article is …

yesterday i posted about a discussion that pamela was having with some pastors’ spouses and a tweet that pete wilson had made. today google reader showed that pete wilson had blogged about the article he tweeted concerning. so here’s a link to wilson’s post and the article can be found here.

SIDE NOTE – at the moment i am on break from a 4 hour seminar on notifying someone when a loved one has died. this is part of chaplain training for the stevens point police department. after an hour of stories this is going to be a hard day.

proud to be a 30%er

i don’t entirely remember how but someone introduced me to the twitter feed of my friend joe causey’s pastor, pete wilson. from twitter i went to his blog which turned out to be a fun read because it has a great variety of depth, randomness, humor, and bragging about his family. this is a combination that i enjoy.

a couple of days ago wilson posted the following on his twitter feed:

i’m not sure where he read this but i have unfortunately heard similar stats. on top of this pamela has also recently been a part of a discussion with a group of pastors’ wives concerning whether or not pastors and their spouses can be friends with church members. unfortunately the majority of the wives in that group believe that pastors and their spouses shouldn’t be friends with church members because they think that ministers and their spouses are supposed to maintain “professional distance” from their church members (just in case you are wondering both pam and i hold the opposite view). i know that wilson’s tweet and pam’s discussion are not about the exact same thing but i think the core issue is the same – many ministers don’t know how to have real relationships and therefore some live very lonely lives.

this kills me for two reasons:

  1. as a proud 30%er who can name lots of friends that i trust very deeply i hurt for the many ministers who for some reason equate being on mission with GOD with requiring loneliness. while, i do believe that GOD’s call sometimes will lead a believer into difficult situations, i can find very few instances in the bible where the GOD of love has called HIS followers into overwhelming loneliness. it’s just not HIS typical M.O.
  2. since i believe that the core of CHRISTianity is relational (relationship with GOD and others = 1a & 1b greatest commandments) i believe that we fail to disciple our people when we don’t live out and have good strong relationships. therefore, by not having any real friendships i think many ministers are actually failing as shepherds. it’s a sad irony but i believe that many ministers in the name of “professional distance” are actually failing to truly minister because they don’t have any friends.

i love my friends and i am so thankful for them. i am a better person, spouse, father, and minister because of many of my friends. they have taught me many amazing things and GOD continually uses them to encourage me to do the things HE wants. i hope and prayer that more of the 70%ers find such friends, both for themselves and for the churches they shepherd. please GOD send true friends to some of my fellow pastors and give those pastors the wisdom to hold tight to them.

running as elivs or maybe chris


i ran the 2010 point bock run today. it was a fun day in which i was able to see quite a few “threads.” i have three things i want to post.

first, on a whim i decided to do something i have never done … i ran in costume. one of the things that pamela and i love about about the marathons and half-marathons that i have run is the costumed people that run the races. some people come to the races ready to party and they make it fun for everyone else. for example, when i ran the chicago marathon in 09 i ran against a guy dressed as the pope – funny hat, staff, and all. there were also three guys that had rigged a chinese dragon to harnesses so that it floated above the crowd of runners. it was very cool.  i love the creativity and fun that the costumed people bring to the race. therefore, i decided to be one of those people for the bock run. actually i was one of 4 costumed people out of 2,000 people who ran the race. the other costumed people were a a guy who wore a green afro, a guy who made a spiked mohawk with his hair, and a guy who had pinned a dust ruffle around his neck as a cape. we were the costumed aspect of the bock run.

this was the first i have ever done this but it won’t be the last. it was a lot of fun running through the race hearing people shout “RUN ELVIS!” i was asked a couple of times during the run if i had run the las vegas marathon yet because they the running elvi begin the race there. kids shouted, adults smiled, and everyone seemed to enjoy the costume. a couple of friends of mine were behind me and when they saw me after the race they told me about all the people talking about elvis passing them during the run. while i’m not sure that i would want to do this on any of the other races i run during the year, i do plan on regularly doing this in the point bock run. it would be even more fun if i could get a few people to costume up with me. who knows we might could turn the bock into a primarily costumed run. that would definitely be fun.

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second, i was apparently destined to run today as someone other than my normal self. the race administration made a mistake in entering my registration information because i was labeled as “chris terrell” instead of my real name of “robert adam terrell.” this was pretty easy to correct because our family is the only terrell family in the point area – remember we are surrounded by german and polish people, there aren’t many english names around here. whether i was dressed as elvis or not wasn’t going to matter. i wasn’t going to be running as “robert” today.

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third, i love the general vibe of support that is a part of a road race. people genuinely want others to do well in the race. people shout for each other and stay to cheer for the people who are finishing after them. i can’t tell you how many times i have heard someone encourage another racer that they were being passed by or who they were passing. it doesn’t matter if you are fast or slow everyone just wants you to do your best. if you are a slow runner nobody expects you to run with the fastest. you are just expected to try your hardest, improve, and enjoy the experience. it’s a pretty good example of what community is supposed to be like. the fast as well as the slow are expected to run their best and everyone is supposed to “enjoy the ride.” if you do that then the people at the race will celebrate with you. i think that is what the church should do – encourage both the slow and the fast to run their best and party big time.

the week in tweets – 2010-03-06

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tell it slant

tell_it_slant_eugene_peterson when i am training for a race i run the following times of runs:

  • easy runs – 3 times a week – these are just maintenance miles to build up my weekly mileage.
  • speedwork / hill work – 1 time a week – i run a fartlek or any hills i can find or intervals on a track.
  • long run – 1 time a week – this is to build my endurance

anyway on my easy and long runs i like to listen to podcasts or audiobooks (i can’t listen to them during my speedwork because they make me run slow – or should i say slower). yesterday i finished listening to “tell it slant: a conversation on the language of JESUS in HIS stories and prayers by eugene peterson. i love peterson. i loved the way he writes and what he writes about.

in “tell it slant” peterson turns his wonderful intellect towards the parables and prayers of JESUS. peterson focused on the “slanted” way that JESUS used language and stories to cause HIS listeners to consider aspects of their lives and faith in new manners. JESUS used words to catch HIS listeners off guard and then point them to what life is really all about. 

any book that i listen to while running needs to be pretty good and have a decently quick pace in order to keep my attention. “tell it slant” was perfect for this. peterson does a great job of conveying depth in a manner that is still enjoyable enough to hold a slow runner’s attention.

belts and passion

eric passing out coffee to amanda, laura, and jackson

belt’s soft serve ice cream opened for the 2010 season today. belt’s is amazing ice cream and it is a stevens point institution. part of the tradition in the point area is that people camp out at belt’s the night before it opens so that they can be first in line when the service windows open up. typically the first 10 to 15 people get a t-shirt and the first 100 get a free glass. people sleep out in the parking lot for the opening even when the weather is significantly below zero. two years ago some crazy people were sleeping in the parking lot even though the ambient temperature was around -25°. i love it when people are committed to things to the point that they are willing to put themselves out. passionate people are cool. passionate people go to extremes to achieve their goals. that’s something i love even if it is just that they are willing to freeze in order to get a free t-shirt.

i believe that we should celebrate such passion. that’s why for the past three years i and tapestry (once it started) have taken emy j’s coffee to belt’s to give away to those who have camped out. since belt’s opened today eric glaze and i took coffee once again to the parking lot and passed it out. we gave away 5 air pots worth of coffee to those cold souls. it was a ton of fun talking with everyone and enjoying the excitement of the crowd that was there.

i love living in point.

the crowd two hours before opening

free slides

dwelling upside down

at tapestry each week we loop a series of scripture slides, quote slides, announcement slides, and photos while everyone is talking and drinking coffee before the gathering program starts. i know some design companies sell these and i’m all for designers being able to make a living BUT these slides seem like something that churches could probably just share with each other. maybe there is a really good place that shares such graphics. i know creativemyk has some slides like this. they are just a little hard to find. if anyone knows of a good resource for them i would gladly nice at your wedding and cry at your funeral.

anybody who wants to use these is welcome to.

Sun fathersday2_edited-1

the teen brain

i used to would have care about this article and audio story as a youth minister. i now care about it as the parent of two teens. it’s an interesting story from npr concerning the teen brain. specifically its slower functioning frontal lobe and what that means for teen behavior. if you are or have ever been around teens then you’ve seen the described behavior. this just explains how. see mom and dad it wasn’t my fault 🙂

for my youth minister friends this is stuff you have probably read elsewhere BUT the audio might be an excellent resource to share with the parents in the youth ministry. i tried to keep a few resources that i could give to parents to help them understand why their sweet, little, innocent child has now become a selfish slob. i would add this audio to my arsenal.