- RT @BPGlobalPR: Here's the truth: we got food poisoning from shrimp one time and said, "Let's make sure that never happens again." #bpcares #
- @edstetzer – excellent discussion today on the exchange. in reply to edstetzer #
- i seriously just saw a teen walking into a glass window thinking it was an open door! YES! #
- @sjone65 – no BUT IT IS SAD that you WATCHED the hills finale or any episode of the hills for that matter. in reply to sjone65 #
- @Keannan5390 – that scares me a little in reply to Keannan5390 #
- @jesslawrence1 – AWESOME! ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! i am now randomly smiling in a coffee shop because i am very happy for you guys. in reply to jesslawrence1 #
- i tend to stop listening to someone once they refer to someone who disagrees with them as a nazi or communist … unless of course they are. #
- @dhaltom7 – i tend not to have long conversations at 4am or if i do i don't remember them 🙂 in reply to dhaltom7 #
- @sjone65 – this is a sign that you shouldn't be watching such drivel – said by a guy who secretly watches the housewives of new jersey in reply to sjone65 #
- anybody have any old (the older the better) 35mm camera(s) they would like to give to me? i just found some old 35mm film that i want to use #
- what words/phrases make up the new insider "church language" . for example saying "unpack this" during a sermon or "visioning." others? #
- RT @DiscoveryHouse: The human heart is a factory of idols. Every one of us, from his mother’s womb is an expert in inventing idols. ~Calvin #
- @DiscoveryHouse – you're welcome. it was an excellent quote. in reply to DiscoveryHouse #
- does anyone in the point area have a large FREAKY looking puppet or doll that i could use sunday night for @sptapestry ? PLEASE! #
- adam just got $50 from our bank for using direct deposit. gotta like that. #
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