pam and i both consistently make new year’s resolutions. we’ve done it for years. we’re both pretty goal-oriented people and our resolutions serve as those goals. if you are curious you can find pam’s here. so here are some of the things that i am hoping to accomplish during 2011.
- love GOD in more demonstrable ways
- love others in more demonstrable ways
- take pamela, adam, and noah fishing 5 times each (this harder than you think because they are all busy and the canoe is meant for two)
- pray with at least 2 people each week
- go through the ransom fellowship bible reading program for slackers and shirkers
- plan and do at least two large surprise dates for pam (since she reads my blog it really won’t be too big of a surprise but i want this to be a priority and therefore it gets publicized)
- finish 40 books this year (i finished 36 this year)
- run 1,100 miles (i finished 1,000 this year)
- bike 800 miles (i rode 424 this year)
- help tapestry to grow even closer to being the church GOD wants her to be – this could be scary because i am already constantly amazed by how amazing the threads are.
- get a runners world t-shirt by getting a “letter to the editor” in the magazine
- 1 planned photo a week on flickr
- catch 4 muskies of any size this year
- play different practical jokes on 3 different people in the same day
- improve my marathon time by 30 minutes
- bring faith, hope, and love to as many people’s lives as possible in significant manners
- catch 1 muskie longer than 42”
- post to my blog at least 4 times a week
- participate in 1 fly swap
- refurbish the boys’ bathroom
these are my goals at this point.
SIDE NOTE – here is a fascinating map of the dialects within the us. it’s well worth a look at.
Happy New Years! I have to tell you that I really like your list of to do's for 2011! You continue to inspire! Let's plan on running soon!
love the map! & you are very ambit
love the map! & you are very ambitious!!
Happy New Years! I have to tell you that I really like your list of to do's for 2011! You continue to inspire! Let's plan on running
Happy New Years! I have to tell you that I really like your list of to do's for 2011! You continue to inspire! Let's plan on running soon!