thankful for willing experts

one of the things i am discovering from working on my d.min project/dissertation is how generous most academics are with their time and unfortunately how non-generous some others are. i have written before concerning how amazed i was with the incredibly fast and positive response of those involved with john stott ministries and the incredibly slow and negative response from a couple of people i would have considered friends or at least strong acquaintances (if you can’t tell i’m still a little bitter about this but i am trying to let it go). as i finish my proposal and prepare to submit it i am again amazed by the generosity of the many academics with whom i have talked. two different professors at uwsp have willingly loaned me their time and expertise. my research has absolutely nothing to do with their research. they have nothing to gain from helping me (other than maybe a cup of coffee or some homemade cookies) and yet they are very willing to review things for me and make suggestions for improvement. i am very thankful for their help.

the latest example of this is dr. maggie watson, a professor in the communicative disorders department, who has graciously agreed to review the survey i will use to quantify my research. i felt pretty good about the survey i had originally developed. i modeled it on several others i found in other people’s research. you can see it here. pam recommended that i run it past maggie. pam said she is a wiz when it comes to this stuff. so i asked her and she has been gracious enough to evaluate it. her changes were small but should make a dramatic difference in the data i garner from my research. you can see it here. one small change she suggested that i believe will make a huge difference is to never have odd numbered choices on the survey. i had originally asked them to answer “strongly agree / agree / undecided / disagree / strongly disagree.” maggie suggested getting rid of the “undecided” choice by either going to 4 or 6 possibilities (i went with 6). this forces the one tested to make a choice. brilliant.

anyhow i have been pleasantly surprised, though i probably shouldn’t be because it seems typical of most of the ones i conversed with, by how generous with their time the academics i have corresponded with have been concerning my research.

quoting yourself

i know a few pastors who quote themselves. for example, i have a couple of acquaintances whose “favorite quotes” section of their facebook account is full of quotes from their own sermons. one in particular quotes himself as his facebook status. instead of just saying what he wants to say he types it out as a quote. for example …

i find it weird when people quote themselves – robert terrell/2012

just seems rather odd to me. of course, george bernard shaw once said “i often quote myself. it adds spice to my conversation.” so i guess i shouldn’t criticize. i think i’ll quote myself saying that on my facebook page.

adam's graduation

adam graduated from high school this past sunday. i am so proud of this boy. i think one of the things i love the most is when other people tell me how much they enjoy being around one or both of my boys. this happens pretty frequently. adam is passionate about important things and that makes me proud.

anyhow we had a wonderful weekend with family members who came up to wisconsin to celebrate adam’s graduation. it was a lot of fun because adam is well worth celebrating. like i said, he is a cool kid.

bringing in the big bucks

i just received my amazon associate report and looks like i could start making a living rom this blogging thing. i’ve earned a whopping $3.58 over the past year. yep, that should support the family for a while.

i guess i should post some more links if i am really going to get any click throughs and have anyone buy a book through my amazon associate account. here are the books i have been reading lately.

other recent terrell buys from amazon.

  • logitech tablet keyboard for ipad – this was noah thing. i tried to convince him to get a keyboard case instead but he doesn’t like them for some reason.
  • asus transformer tablet – this was adam’s graduation present along with the keyboard dock. we talked and figured out that a tablet desktop combination was probably better for his college experience than a laptop would be. i’m a little jealous.

now go buy some of this crap … i mean great stuff … so i can get a little more amazon love.

the river gives

2012-05-24 21.09.48

the next line should be “and the river takes away” but as of right now it is just “the river gives.” i caught this rod in the wisconsin river last year. i was fishing for walleye and suddenly had an odd fight. i thought it was a stick but it didn’t act like a piece of wood. i guess it was the rod giving and the weight of the reel that made it feel weird. anyhow, my dad and i clean it today and i now have a free perfectly functioning gander mountain im7 guide series spinning rod & reel combo. pretty awesome. it’s free and its good. you have to like that.

a few random thoughts

i am presently on the downhill slide of writing the final project proposal for my d.min dissertation/project. so i’m taking a few moments away from working on the questionnaire that i will use to quantify the study and writing a few random thoughts.

  • wordless jazz, classical, ambient or foreign music are the only things that seems to work for me when i am studying. music with words just seems to get in the way of my mind.
  • after 8 months of not running more than 40 miles a month i believe i am finally back in the training groove. this is great because my goal is to PR at the whistlestop marathon in ashland, wi in october. pam and i are excited about this because it will be a good chance to see adam at northland college.
  • speaking of which, i can’t believe that adam is graduating this week. how can he be old enough to go to college? parenting has made me more and more thankful for my parents. right now i am just very thankful that they didn’t completely lose it when i graduated and went away to school. i am not sure i will be able to do the same thing.
  • every now and then i miss seeing johnny b. it would be a lot of fun to hang out with him for a little while right now. maybe go on a bus ride for an afternoon like we did once in baton rouge.
  • i used the word epaulette today in a digital message. not sure why but i find that oddly pleasing.
  • it is funny how your body can so thoroughly adjust to its environmental context. saturday i was roasting in the 88 degree weather while i ran. 5 years ago in baton rouge i would have thought it was a very pleasant day for a run.
  • btw, when did it become summer in wisconsin? aren’t we still supposed to be in the season of spring?

this photo makes me laugh every time i see it.

final project proposal doctrinal foundations section

for those of you who are interested here is the doctrinal foundations section of my final project proposal for my d.min. the goal is to finish the proposal this weekend and get it proofed and approved by my faculty mentor in time for the june committee. this would mean that i should be able to finish the research over the summer and have the report in with time to spare for graduation in december. woohoo!

this is just the first draft so a great deal will change before it is finished. i cannot express enough how thankful i am for pam. she helps so much with my studies.

final project proposal – doctrinal foundations section