there are a great number of things that i have done wrong when i was planting tapestry or now do wrong as the pastor. for example:
- i tend not to be the best “salesperson” for the church. instead of giving people a simple answer concerning what tapestry is like i end up getting involved in a long discussion concerning their experiences with spiritual maters.
- because tapestry is so relational at its nature i tend to never do just general invites to the community (what everyone else would call marketing). this is great for the people who know someone but i probably need to do more to extend the invite to people who don’t know a thread.
- i tend to say stupid things. this happens a good bit.
- i don’t do a good job of following rules.
- there are many other ways that i mess up that i am sure pam, my boys, the leadership team of tapestry, or any random number of threads could tell you about.
one thing i know that i have done right as pastor of tapestry is leading the church to provide an end of the year jambalaya lunch for the teachers and staff of washington elementary school. this meal is a blast and pays off great dividends with the church’s relationship with the school every year. today various threads provided salad and desserts to go with the jambalaya and it was all enjoyed greatly. i cannot count how many teachers told me “i look forward to this lunch all year.” there are great teachers and staff at washington and i am very thankful for the relationship that we as a church have with them.