Idealism and Practice


I have smart friends. It is a nice thing every now and then but often it is a pain. The reason it is a pain is because they get me to read things that I wouldn’t read on my own. One of those friends who is a pain is my friend Clint. Presently I am reading "A Distant Mirror" by Barbara Tuchman because of Clint suggesting it. The problem with the book is two fold. 1) It is a long book that covers a lot of detailed events and people, and 2) it is really good and therefore I can’t just dismiss it as boring and stop reading it.

Darn you Clint.

Any how "A Distant Mirror" is basically about 14th century France in the midst of the Black Plague. It is fascinating. I have studied more about ancient societies than I have medieval Europe so this is a relatively new subject for me. One of the things that is intriguing me the most the author’s description of how idealism and practice pertained to the three estates of medieval European society. Apparently European society of the middle ages was amazingly idealistic. It makes sense considering the fact that we still understand the concept of chivalry (a distinct form of medieval thought). Society was separated into three estates that were supposed to b mutually supportive.

  • The Clergy
  • The Nobility
  • The Commoners

Each estate had a roll. The clergy and nobility were supposedly focsed on the potection of society. The nobility protected society through the use of arms while the clergy potected society through a focus on faith, thought, and government. The commoners focused on the production of society. In theory each estate supported each other and helped society through that support.

Of course, the theory wasn’t usually lived out. Each estate often, at best, forgot to support one another. Instead of protecting the commoners the nobility, the estate that was supposed to be the millitary protection of society, actually became the biggest threat that the commoners faced during their daily lives. Interesting side note – Tuchman discussed that since the destruction of the means of production has been a pretty common form of warfare throughout history it was often common for knights to fight against unarmed commoners. Thus hurting their enemy’s economy by hurting the society’s ability to produce. Armored knights fighting unarmed civilians, not really what you think of when you think of chivalry is it?

Anyhow the idealism of the time was talked and written about a lot. It was common knowledge in European society. It was the source of souch of their literature and entertainment. I mean their idealism has surived 600 years which is why you and I still know what it means to b chivalrous. Yet their ideals often didn’t translate into their actions. The potectors became the persecutors. Of course, it wasn’t just the nobility who did this. The clergy and the commoners did it too. The nobility are just the easiest to point out. Instead of functioning according to their ideals they did the exact opposite.

Sound familair? Yeah they are so different from us.

Now I have to go back to reading this long book. Thanks Clint.

Image Bearer


I have many smart and talented friends. Josh C is one of these. While watching responses (tweets and Facebook statuses) from last night’s Golden Globes ceremony he tweeted the following:

He is, of course, right. Personally I needed the reminder to see the image of God in all around me and to respond appropriately to that image.

SIDE NOTE – Why yes I did specifically pick the above image because of the line that looks like Jesus has some type of laser bad breath weapon. Thanks for noticing. 🙂

Takers, Givers, and Balanced

I’ve recently been thinking about how different people conect with others in the church. I think there are three basic types of people in regards to their connection with others. They are:

  1. Takers
  2. Givers
  3. Balanced

Now I know there are lots of diferent people that attend church and most people vary within these categories depending upon wat is going on in their lives. These three categories are just for my discussion of how people connect with others (i.e. the church word of “fellowship”). They are just broad generalizations for discusion. Here’s what I mean.

People in this group seem to think that fellowship is mainly about people doing things for them. If you haven’t done something for them recently then something is wrong with your friendship. In the church world I used to hear people every now and then say how they were leaving a certain chuch group because they “weren’t being fed” there or people in the church just didn’t connect with others. I don’t hear this anymore because people at Tapestry don’t talk that way. The Takers soak it all up and when there is nothing left to soak up then they think something is wrong. It is all about them.

People in this group seem to think that fellowship is mainly about meeting other people’s needs. The problem with this view is that this sounds noble and good but it isn’t. Serving others is noble and good but not allowing others to serve you is rather selfish. When a person insists on serving but never allows others to serve them I fear it has more to do with control than with humility. It is selfishness wearing a mask.

In my opinion the goal is to be here. Sometimes the most loving thing a person can do for others is to serve them and other times the most loving thing a person can do for others is to allow them to serve you. That’s really what fellowship is about. Meeting the needs of others and allowing them to meet you needs.

I hope this week you are able to seve someone in the fellowship of faith you belng to and allow someone in that fellowship to serve you. Being balanced is a great thing. Just taking or just giving screws everything up.

Ipad Wallpaper

Pam just received a new ipad from UWSP for a technology thing that they are doing and thus her old ipad has been passed down to me. It an attempt to make it a little more mine and less Pam’s I decided to not only remove all the Jane Austin wallpapers from it but to replace it with some wallpaper of my own.

So here are the three that I made today for it.

cs lewis quote wallpaper copy  ipad packers  ipad background

The one on the left comes from the Christmas gift that Adam made for me. It is about to be hanging in my study.

Stupid Saturn


Just finished changing the oil in the Saturn that my mom and dad gave to the boys and it only cost me $2 more to change the oil myself than it would have if I had taken it to an oil change business. Yeah.

This is no something that would usually happen to me. I’ve been changing the oil in most of my cars since I was 16. I say most because I have NEVER changed the oil in the minivan. Everything in the minivan’s engine compartment is too tight so I usually pay some company to change the oil in it. I guess that spoiled me because I have been taking the Saturn to the same place for its oil changes. Unfortunately that oil change place just went out of business and therefore I thought I would change the oil in the Saturn.

Turns out the Saturn has a cartridge filter rather than the canister filter that ever other car I have ever owned has had. I’ve never changed a canister filter before. This means that after I finally found the stupid thing I still didn’t know that it is important to use a socket rather than a wrench to unscrew the filter cap (pictured above). So I used a wrench and cracked the cap. Cha ching. $10. Then I needed to buy the correct size socket. Cha ching again. $6. So instead of the $16 I thought it would cost me to change the oil, it cost $32.

Stupid Saturn.

Actually I should probably blame myself. If I hadn’t just assumed that I knew what I was doing because I had changed the oil in many other cars before this one then it wouldn’t have happened. If I had stopped and read how to do this before I started instead of just assuming I knew exactly what to do then I would have changed the oil for only $22 ($16 for oil and filter plus $6 for the socket). I should probably remember this for other things in life. Of course, it is just so much easier for me to blame the folks that designed the Saturn.

Stupid Saturn.


I don’t know what to think of the whole Louie Giglio / Inauguration thing. For those who have no idea what I am talking about you can get a brief idea of it by reading Giglio’s open letter concerning the situation that he realized via this tweet.

Truthfully I don’t expect to know what I think about it for a week or two. I figure over the next few days people with agendas on the right and the left will paint the whole incident in such a manner to convey their worst ideas about the other side. The worst part of this whole thing in my opinion is that a man whose actions have shown amazing care for many on the margins of society will now be painted by brushes that make him look hateful, which while I don’t know him personally I do believe his actions have sown he is not. If I were Louie Giglio I think I would probably come out of this whole thing wanting to punch both the people at Fox News and MSNBC in the nose. Of course, he probably won’t feel that way because he is a nicer guy than I am. Yes he believes that homosexual activity is declared by scripture to be sinful (which I do too) but by no means does that mean that he (or I) hate the people who practice such activity.

I have a few friends that I love dearly who are practicing homosexuals. If you mess with them I can promise you I would be there with them standing against you. I love these friends even though I disagree with some parts of their life. Of course, that is true of my heterosexual friends also. To be honest a couple of my friends who are homosexual have challenged the way I think concerning homosexuality and I am very thankful for them for that. Their thoughts have caused me to think differently concerning how I approach the subject of what scripture says about homosexual activity. I don’t think my disagreement with them concerning whether or not their sex life is considered sinful by the God revealed in Jesus makes me a bigot. It just means we disagree about what scripture says. If it does make me a bigot then I guess I am a much bigger bigot concerning those heterosexuals who aren’t following God’s sexual guidelines because numbers-wise there is a whole lot more of them.

I guess I’ll just try to love everyone and in my opinion part of that is being honest with everyone.

Check Theft?


Well it has been an interesting morning. I just got off the phone with Chase after reporting what I believe is the identity theft of one of their customers. Apparently a crook has an email close to mine because one of his/her friends emailed me photos of a blank check (address, account number, and routing number). Couldn’t track down the name on the check so I just called Chase instead and reported it. I have forwarded the email and images to them and I guess it will all be handled now. If only the crook would have sent a picture of him/herself along with the check images.