I was pretty pumped when Adny Leininger sent me a link to some very inexpensive C.S. Lewis ebooks. I don’t usually buy ebooks for books that I want to keep and have in my library BUT this is C.S. Lewis and I have all of his non-medieval literary criticism works already. The ebooks are just for ease of reading and at $2.50ish I am pretty okay with buying a couple. Several of these are on my constant re-read list. Especially “Till We Have Faces,” I’ve lost count concerning how many times I have re-read it.
So here they are:
- Till We Have Faces – I bought this one and it is my favorite C.S. Lewis work.
- Reflections on the Psalms
- Surprised by Joy – Lewis’s autobiography.
- The Four Loves – really good work concerning four Greek words that translate to English as “Love.”
- Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
- All My Road Before Me – C.S. Lewis’s diary from 1922-1927.
- The Business of Heaven – a book of daily reflections from the writing of C.S. Bought this one because it is tons easier to carry around the ebook and read as I have time.
- All My Mind Awake – an anthology of Lewis’ writing that I didn’t have so I bought the ebook version.
Inexpensive Lewis. You have to love it.