The “Go to Church or the Devil will Get You” sign doesn’t necessarily state what I believe about faith. The devil isn’t going to “get you” if you aren’t in church and going to church, while amazingly important for faith (solitary Christianity doesn’t really fit with the faith that Jesus expressed), isn’t the same as faith. Still I have loved this sign for years for one simple reason. Driving past this sign was an essential part of our family road trips to Mobile, AL (the sign is close to Prattville, AL which is about two and a half hours North of Mobile). Thus I always looked forward to seeing it, and usually tried to grab a picture of it when I drove past it.

Thus last week I was thrilled to accidentally run across a sticker of this sign on redbubble – I have a thing for stickers, I like to put interesting ones on my church stool, which is why people randomly give me cool stickers, I look for free ones, and every now and then I buy some. When I saw the sticker on redbubble I figured I needed to buy one as a reminder of those trips. Pam thought she needed one too. They came in the mail today. I am excited to place this new sticker on my church stool. It will go on there this week.
Of course, in order to see this sticker you will need to be at one of Tapestry‘s worship gatherings and therefore, based on the sign’s logic, you will be safe from the devil getting you since you are at Tapestry seeing this sticker in the first place. 🙂