2 Quick Things

FIRST, tonight Adam showed Pam and I the above t-shirt that he bought from Threadless. Yeah, we are quite proud to have raised a son who has excellent taste in clothes. At least I think we’re proud of his taste in clothing. Okay, well at least we’re proud of him for lots of other reasons. 🙂 Pam worries that you can’t really see all of the above photo of the sloth in an astronaut suit so here’s a link to the full photo so you can see it in all its glory.


the robertson post copy

Celebrities + Controversy = Blog Post Reads

SECOND, the above graph shows the daily views of my blog for the past 5 years. I write a piddly little blog that is read by about 40 people per day. No complaints here. I basically write for myself. I enjoy the act of typing something out and hopefully use it to think through some things every now and then. I also write for a very pragmatic reason and that is so that people who are considering Tapestry can have someway of knowing me before they give Tapestry a try. Then two days ago I wrote a brief post on my thoughts concerning the uproar about Phil Robertson’s statements and my little blog blew up. Well at least it blew up for my standards. In two days my little blog was viewed by almost 800 new people. The only other time something close to this has happened was when Mark O linked to me years ago. Of course, today the number dropped back to 50.

Ahhhh, it feels good to be back where I belong.

The Mamba


Thanks to my bike guy Eric G (that’s right, I have a bike guy). I am now the proud owner of a 2012 Trek Mamba 29er Hardtail, way below market value, so the Terrell boys can go do some single track biking in Central Wisconsin. You should be able to tell from the photo below that Noah is pretty happy about this. For some reason he seems to think this is his.

Now I just need to find two other really good buys on bikes for the boys and then find the extra resources to buy them. We’ll see what happens in the next year.


The Burger Experiment – Guu's on Main

This Summer Noah and I are on an adventure. We are trying to find a favorite local hamburger. Each week we are eating a hamburger at a local place and rating. The scale is 0-10 with 10 equaling “as good as Riverside Patty or Whistler’s.” You need to understand that we had amazing burger places in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Carthage, Missouri. Both places are very different from each other and both places had amazing hamburgers.

Noah and I realized a few weeks ago that we really hadn’t found a burger in Point that we thought was as good as either Riverside or Whistler’s. So we decided to become more purposeful about searching. So today we tried the Classic at Guu’s on Main.

2013-07-02 13.39.48

Guu’s was highly recommended. We have several friends who swear by Guu’s and there is a group of “threads” who meet there pretty much every Wednesday night. Noah and I both really liked the burger. The bun was toasted a great deal on the grill and we both thought that was great. The meat itself was crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Its a 1/3 pound burger that is decent size and cost $6.99 with a side. Actually, while the burger was good Noah and I both agree that our side of waffle fries was the best part of our meals. The waffle fries were excellent. Dang crispy without being burnt.

Guu’s on Main. A decent but dark place. This photo doesn’t properly convey its darkness.

On the 0-10 scale we originally thought the burger was a 7. A good rating for the first burger, when we are still pretty much figuring things out. We enjoyed our experience at Guu’s and were sure that we would want to come back and have that burger again. We wouldn’t crave it like Riverside or Whistler’s but we would still enjoy another one.

That changed 30 minutes after we had eaten our burgers. Almost at the exact same time both of us went running for the bathroom. The burger giveth and the burger taketh away. In this case the burger tooketh away our dignity and a little Terrell family toilet paper. We both feel fine now so it wasn’t food poisoning or anything similar. The burger just didn’t want to stay in our stomachs. It was enough for Noah to lower his rating to a 5. I’m just dropping it one point to a 6 because the burger was good enough that I would eat it again, even knowing that I would end up running to the bathroom 30 minutes later.

Guu’s on the Main Burger Experiment Score – 6.

We are thinking next week will be Arbuckles Eatery & Pub.



Christians & Divorce

Ed Stetzer posted an interesting article concerning the erroneous stats of Christians divorcing at the same rate as non-Christians. His post centers around information from the Gospel Coalition. Every now and then you’ll hear someone say that people of faith divorce at the same rate as people without a faith tradition. The problem is that saying you are a part of a faith and actually practicing that faith are two entirely different things. The data show that people who actively participate in their faith divorce at significantly less rates than those who don’t have or practice a faith. The Gospel Coalition summarizes the data this way:

Those who say they are more religious are less likely, not more, to have already experienced divorce. Likewise, those who report more frequent attendance at religious services were significantly less likely to have been divorced.

What does this mean? First, don’t believe every stat you ever hear. Second, while we may be doing somewhat better than those who don’t actively practice a faith the church still needs to work on strong marriage. We need to do everything we can to help people grow and stay together.

Pam's Poem

I am presently at Emy J’s for a Sunday morning meeting and in between working on some things I decided to look at my Google Reader and see who has posted new blog entries that I might want to look at. Turns out Pam posted one last night (while cooking me one of the best steaks I have ever eaten, making a turtle cheese cake for the family, and watching my favorite movie “The Outlaw Josey Wales” with me – she is quite a woman). I didn’t see this last night but apparently in the midst of doing all that i just described she also found time to write a poem that I really like. Dang I am married to an impressive woman.

Here’s a small part of the poem

Throughout the day I sometimes toss out Twitter-prayers
140 characters or less
“Hey God! Thanks for the snow on the trees. You’re quite an artist.”
“Help me be…patient, strong, organized, brave, compassionate.”
“Be near.”
It’s constant contact throughout the day and that’s something, right?
But You never re-tweet or favorite.

You can read all of it here. I truly married an impressive woman.

Basset’s Have Heavy Tails

If you have every been around my basset hounds (Montana and Roux) then you have probably experienced the sturdiness of their tails. If Montana is around a hard surface when she starts wagging her tail you will be able to hear it all through the house. The surface doesn’t even have to be very hard. If she is laying on the living room floor and I start walking into the room you can hear Montana’s tail before I enter the room. It always makes me laugh. So today I decided to video it.

college is paying off


i have no idea why adam milked a goat but i am already thankful for the new things he will learn and experience in college. talking with him the other day i decided that i am going to try to read one of the books from one of his classes each semester. he is going to recommend one next week after he has a better feel of which class he is connecting with best. i figure this way i’ll know a little of what is floating his boat in school.

gone to school


adam's dorm roomso we dropped adam off at northland college today which was kind of bitter-sweet. really more sweet than bitter. this is what we have been raising him for … for him to go out into the world and with the help of GOD, family, and friends really become the wonderful man that his mother and i see in him already. he is going to do great, learn a ton, challenge many assumptions (both his own and those of others), and continue to become an amazing person.

so here it what i hope college does for him.

  • helps him to grow as a man of GOD. as adam recently taught me this involves two things: 1) being a man, and 2) being of GOD. adam is going to face more challenges than he ever has before. people, places, events, difficulties, etc. he is going to be doing more on his own than he has ever had to do. welcome to the world of being an adult. i have no doubt he’ll make it. these challenges will include his faith too. there will be people around to help him (it isn’t like we are disowning him) but the majority of it will be on his shoulders. that’s how growth happens in all areas of life, from academics to faith. should be fun to watch him respond (even though i will be restraining myself from jumping in for him).
  • helps him to learn what his passion is and enables him to go after it. i don’t care what he gets his degree in as long as it points him towards something he loves and enables him to do it more effectively. while i would like his degree to be “marketable” i am more concerned about him getting his degree in a manner that doesn’t keep him from being able to follow his passion. right now adam is majoring in outdoor education a degree that i know of several uses for. if that ends up being his passion that is great but it will be difficult following that passion if he racks up $50,000 in debt achieving his degree. instead of following his passion he will have to get a higher paying job to pay off the debt he acquired getting his degree. pam and i are doing everything we can to make sure that doesn’t happen but adam has to do his part too. pam and i have acquired 5 degrees between us thus far, with a 6th one coming soon. we have done this without an ounce of debt because of scholarships, help from parents in our bachelor’s degrees, working jobs while in school, and creative timing. i want adam to learn amazing things and do it in such a way that he doesn’t have debt that keeps him from exploring those things further.
  • we saw the hodaghelps him to fail in manageable ways and succeed far beyond what he thinks he can do. i know he is going to try new things and sometimes fail. those success and failures are a part of life. what i hope is that when he fails his failure is not so great that he isn’t able to get back up and try again. i hope his failures help him to achieve more than he has ever thought possible.
  • allows him to learn and experience so much more than i will ever know and have a most excellent time doing it. this means developing lifelong friends, practices, habits, hobbies, and more.

adam, i am continually proud of you. you are one amazing guy.

tonight at church

the above photo shows what i saw tonight while preaching tonight at tapestry every time i looked over at the area where noah and his friend were sitting. earlier this week they bought a few fake mustaches and decided they would each wear their last ones for church this sunday. it was pretty funny. some might find it distracting but i disagree. i just thought it was funny.

SIDE NOTE – some of his humor today led to pam punching him. during the message, which was on JESUS clearing the temple (mark 1:15-19), i asked why the “women’s court” was named the “women’s court” (obviously it was because it was where the women could go). noah’s response? he said, “because that was where the kitchen was.” pam made sure to remind him that he had not given the correct answer.

adam's graduation

adam graduated from high school this past sunday. i am so proud of this boy. i think one of the things i love the most is when other people tell me how much they enjoy being around one or both of my boys. this happens pretty frequently. adam is passionate about important things and that makes me proud.

anyhow we had a wonderful weekend with family members who came up to wisconsin to celebrate adam’s graduation. it was a lot of fun because adam is well worth celebrating. like i said, he is a cool kid.