the pack list

adam and i are hiking part of the appalachian trail over his school spring break. we are both really excited about the trip. i’ve been doing the planning with some help from bill, a friend of pam’s sister. bill has been a ton of help. he agreed to look over my pack list so i have been typing it out for the past few days. if you want to you can view it here.

while developing my pack list i gained a great deal of wisdom from this wonderful post concerning the author’s 27lb for 7 days pack list. it is a great pack list.

if you look over my list and see anything that i obviously missed please let me know.

a little bit of work on a saturday

saloon doors

i know this will hurt some of you but the saloon doors on the mudroom bathroom is officially done for now. we’ve been meaning to replace these for a while and have finally gotten around to it. pam will paint the doors in the next few days. pam has had this on my “honey do” list for quite some time. i can’t believe it took me this long to get to replacing the doors. when you visit our home in the future you want have to use the bathroom in a room where the door is open on the bottom and the top.

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i also just finished replacing the rear deck speakers in fred. the factory speakers were trashed after 20 years of use. i replaced the front speakers with planet audio 4×6’s and the rear speakers with kicker d65 6.5’s. both of these speakers are inexpensive. the planet audio speakers sound nice (i put them in earlier during a lunch break) but the kicker speakers sound amazing. i have the option of putting 6.5 speakers in the front (the 4x6s fit into a 6.5” metal tray that fit into the door – not sure why nissan did this but it works out well for me) and i might replace the 4x6s later just because the kicker speakers sound so amazing.

nap time


i just finished posting the message from sunday’s tapestry worship gathering (you can find it here if you are interested) and walked upstairs to get some sweet tea before i started working on my d.min final project proposal again. this is what i found in the living room. montana can be a real pest when i am trying to work on something (like she was earlier today) but she is so darn cute when she is not being a pest that i can’t get mad at her.

the traditional terrell CHRISTmas card

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i hope everyone has a wonderful day celebrating the incarnation of GOD.

above is the card we sent out this year. i’m not sure why but we have developed a traditional slightly odd CHRISTmas cards. here are a few from past years.

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it’s a fun tradition that we all get in to.

we also still do the traditional CHRISTmas newsletter (though it feels a little like facebook and other social media have done away with its purpose). here is the newsletter that pam typed this year.

again i hope everyone has an amazing day celebrating the joy that i believe CHRIST brings to the world.

i wish he was wrong

a couple of days ago my youngest son noah corrected me. i hate it when he does that, especially when he is right about it.

saturday the entire family was tired from the full day of traveling that we had gone through the day before. pam, noah, and i had spent the week with jim and jill, pam’s brother and sister-n-law, in orlando where the weather is warm and the manatees roam. they are great people to be around so the week was great. best of all like us they had no desire to go to anything disney related so we were able to avoid all things mouse-eared without family guilt. while we were avoid the rodent owner of central florida adam was on a band trip in new orleans and made it back home the day before we did. needless to say we were all a little frayed.

of course, traveling is always tiring, at least for me. so saturday at home was a recoup day. i thought it would be a great idea to recoup by eating lunch. it is something i like to do on days when i need energy – i.e. most days. since i was tired i wasn’t paying as much attention to my manners as i should have been and i was apparently eating the potatoes chips that were a part of my sandwich lunch with my mouth open. i only know that this was happening because noah asked politely if i would close my mouth when i ate my chips because the noise from my chewing was shaking his brain.

just so you know, i don’t normally eat things with my mouth open. i developed a deep fear of making noise when i eat because my dad hated the sound of celery being chomped. i know this because as a kid i loved eating celery while watching t.v. i often experienced the result of my dad’s irrational fear of celery (i think it involve some experience in vietnam, which doesn’t really answer anything because my dad was never in vietnam). whatever the reason the the noise of crunching celery caused him to have non-violent, though slightly loud flashbacks. i therefore trained my self to eat quietly.

so when noah pointed out my failure i wanted to blow up. i mean really! i think half the time when this kid eats he purposefully keeps his mouth open in hopes of leaving a dorito crumb trail along his path so that he can follow it home should he get lost. i can’t fathom how many times i have begged him to close his mouth. how dare he correct me.

of course, the problem was that he was right. i was chewing with my mouth wide open and it was noisy and disgusting. i was tired and not thinking about what i was doing.

the problem with him being right is that it completely destroyed my righteous anger. its not righteous when the smartalec punk turns out to be right instead of just being a pain. grrrh!

since i couldn’t be mad at him for being rude i just told him to go upstairs and clean his room. that made me feel a little better. 😉

my present search results

search results

the above image is part of a screen shot from the google analytics info i get on this blog. i’m not entirely sure why “my wife is pshycodic (sic)” is the second most common keyword phrase that lead google to my blog but i do know that it makes me laugh. it is all the more confusing to me when by using the blog’s search feature i was able to verify that i have never misspelled psychotic in that manner. i, at least, hope that whoever was searching for info concerning their “pshycodic” (sic) wife found the information they were looking for – help is only a correct search a way. 🙂