the summer is over

hello there guys and girls – for the past 10 weeks summer has been going on. most of you have known this so i merely point it out to say that during the summer i’m a little busy and therefore unable to post on the blog. the summer is over and thus i can post again. happy blogging to me!

today is friday the 13th. i don’t believe in bad luck so it doesn’t really matter to me. my youngest, noah, was born on a friday the 13th and thus far he has turned out pretty good. i have a history of relatively good things happening on the 13th. at least i did have a history of good things until today.

today i was going to get a present for my wife, pam, on the way i noticed i was running low on fuel and decided to pull off the interstate and get some. of course, i ran out of gas on the exit and had to walk to the convenience store – which wasn’t very convenient. at the store i started looking for a container from the dumpster in which to carry my fuel back to my truck. while at the dumpster i ran into a very talkative homeless man. i usually don’t have any problems with people who are homeless but this was not the time to go asking me for money. i kept on trying to convinced this man that asking the me – “the guy who had just run out of gas” – for a ride or money was not the best idea right then. while doing this i slipped on some slime that had grown off of the refuse in the dumpster and broke my flip-flops. i was now the “guy with one shoe who had just run out of gas.” anyhow, i finally had to pay $4 for a gas can that would hold 1 gallon of fuel and was then ready to walk back to my truck with my new homeless friend in tow.

while, walking to my truck i stubbed my toe and when i looked down to see how bad it was my sun glasses fell off. upon hitting the ground the frame snapped in half thus ruining my third pair of sunglasses this summer. URGH!

i finally make to my truck, help my homeless buddy out a little bit and got my truck started. i was finally able to head over to the store to look for the gift i want to pick up for pam. of course, when i got to the store they were out of what i wanted to buy.

happy friday the 13th.

the keys to the kingdom

yesterday i proved that i am an idiot. now this is really nothing new. i have a long history of proving that i don’t really use common sense. this history includes the time that i broke two windows in my home on the same day with a basketball – once by kicking the basketball and then again by showing someone how i broke the first window, it includes the time that i threw not one but three separate anchors out of our boat thinking each one was tied onto the boat, it includes the time i drove over some bushes trying to escape from another dumb mistake, and it includes many other times of stupidity. the sad thing is that after 36 years i continue to add to my history of proving my lack of common sense.

sunday was one of those days when i added to the proof of my idiocy. i unlocked the door to my home sunday and then went back to the car to help my sons get stuff inside the house – it was raining. when i got back into the house i went to the bedroom and changed into some dry clothes. the whole process took 10 minutes at most. in that 10 minutes i some how subconsciously hide my keys from myself. now while i may not be very good at using common sense i am apparently very talented at subconsciously hiding things because i still can not find my keys. i’ve looked almost everywhere. i looked in the freezer, i looked in my old clothes, i looked in the kids toy box, i looked on the book shelves, and i looked throughout the kitchen cabinets. i’ve found nothing…well that’s not actually true. i’ve actually found allot of change, some socks i was missing, a few reminders that i had forgotten about, and a ton of other junk, but i haven’t found the one thing i was looking for – my keys.

now being key less has changed my life. this morning i had to ride to work with pam, something i like doing because i love my wife, but it also means that i don’t have a car during the day and since i didn’t think to bring lunch i had to sit around waiting for someone else to go to lunch. of course, they left for lunch earlier than i thought they would so i missed my ride and went without lunch. i would have left with someone else to go to lunch but since losing them sunday i don’t have the right keys to get back into my study so if i left with anyone other than the crew that works in my area i would be locked out of the office suite and not able to get back in until the afternoon. i just sat in my study hungry and thirsty jealous of all the people in the world who have keys. my whole work day was thrown off because i couldn’t get where i needed to be or couldn’t unlock the door to get the things i needed to get.

argh! i wish the world had no keys … or that i had one of those great “clapper” devices that would tell me where my keys were hidden. if only i weren’t an idiot i would have bought one of those “clapper” things when i still had my keys.


i don’t like the way diane sawyer does interviews. i just finished watching the interview between her and mel gibson and i’m fed up. i really try to not be one of those people who just assume something is great because the name of CHRIST is attached to it. i personally think that allot of junk has been sold using CHRIST’s name and personally i think this is offensive. with this said in my opinion diane sawyer put everything in as negative light as possible while throwing slow softball pitches to anyone who disagreed with gibson. i’m okay with her trashing gibson. i’m okay with her having questions about the gospels. i’m okay with her questioning how the gospels have been interpreted. i believe in a GOD who can handle our questions and WHO is not afraid of tackling though debates.


all i ask is that anybody doing this as a supposed “unbiased” newsperson do it consistently and ask the same rough questions of both sides and phrases your statements as close to even as possible. rather, than making everything seem as though one side is right and the other just stupid. i was truly offended when she started making statements like “CHRISTians believe … while historians believe …” like there are no intelligent CHRISTians. i don’t believe that i am one of those people who thinks every statement is against CHRISTians but sawyer’s statements really got under my skin.

i think this thing is working

well i believe that i actually have this thing working now. this means that i can try it out and see if this is something that will be good or not. i’m not exactly sure what i am going to do with this thing but i figure that will come along as i try it out. if nothing else i may just start writing out a thought that runs through my head every now and then. of course, that doesn’t happen very often.

anyhow i’m sitting beside pam right now, she’s on one computer and i am on another. we’re reading things that people have posted on various websites and we are both sad because of what we are reading. not because people are talking about anything particularly bad (some are and some aren’t). we’re sad because the majority of the statements we are reading come from people who talk as if they are settling for what they can get because they have given up hope for something better. that’s not what life is supposed to be about. i know that we aren’t meant to settle for boring, pathetic survival. we are meant for so much more. it’s sad we settle for less.