Eric = Killer?

I thought I would warn all my fellow duck hunters that if Eric G. invites you to duck hunt in a very secluded place there is a slight possibility that he might be trying to secretly kill you. I say this because I am almost convinced that Eric was trying to kill me yesterday. I went hunting with Eric at a spot that involved us walking about 3 miles into the spot hunting for an hour and then hiking back out 3 miles. That wasn’t the part where Eric tried to kill me. Eric threw the decoys out into the drainage ditch we were hunting over but neither of us went into the water so I had no way of knowing what was below the water till I shot a duck. I went out to pick up the duck and went up to my chest in the muck that composed the bottom of the ditch. A few times I was convinced that I was stuck beyond removing myself from the mud. This happened again when we began to prepare to leave and I started to pick up the decoys. I think Eric may have brought me out there to leave me stuck in the muck.

I think Eric is an evil genius that way.

I will add that if he was going to leave me in a place to die Eric did at least take me to a gorgeous place to do so. That was kind of nice of him.

Community Bible Experience & Zombies

Last night was the first of the two Community Bible Experience (CBE) groups that Tapestry is doing this fall. I love my experience with CBE. Last night was no different. An added benefit was that Jacob came a little early and somehow we began debating whether or not humanity would survive a zombie apocalypse. Based on his reading of “World War Z” (which I have not read) Jacob was convinced that humanity would survive. I, on the other hand, argued based on pretty much every zombie move ever made that humanity would ultimately be overrun by the zombies unless we developed a vaccine. In my opinion without a vaccine we would all eventually die or become the enemy. As you can tell it was a great discussion with which to start reading the New Testament. 🙂

Chosen Profession

I love and I am honored by what I get to do. I am reminded very often what a wonderous thing it is to be trusted enough to be some one’s minister. It is a gift that I hope I live up to. I hope that I function in such a manner as to be as close to worthy of God’s calling as I can be and that I live in such a way that I show respect for my friends for the trust they put in me. Like I said, I love what I do.


If I were to do something else I would seriously consider following Pam’s career path as a speach language pathologist. I feel like I am amazed by something she has done at least once a week. I know part of it is the fact that my wife is incredible but the other part is that she works in a fascinating field. What she does makes a real difference in people’s lives and it is very challenging. I’m not looking to change careers but I do think that what she does is real cool.

pam's post "nothing in return"

If you don’t regularly read both of Pam’s blogs (Ept, Couth, and Comobobulated & The Secret Life of a Pastor’s Wife) then you are missing out and should reconsider your life choices. Here’s a wonderful post she wrote concerning the church doing things with the mindset of receiving nothing in return. She discusses the party we threw this past Saturday for the children of migrant workers. I love the way Pam thinks.

quoting yourself

i know a few pastors who quote themselves. for example, i have a couple of acquaintances whose “favorite quotes” section of their facebook account is full of quotes from their own sermons. one in particular quotes himself as his facebook status. instead of just saying what he wants to say he types it out as a quote. for example …

i find it weird when people quote themselves – robert terrell/2012

just seems rather odd to me. of course, george bernard shaw once said “i often quote myself. it adds spice to my conversation.” so i guess i shouldn’t criticize. i think i’ll quote myself saying that on my facebook page.

the most dangerous terrell

i don’t really know how this has worked out but roux, the youngest basset hound in the family, is considered by the other members of the terrell house as the grumpiest member of the family WHEN oreo, our cat, is the only member of the family who has ever injured anyone. actually that is an understatement because oreo regularly hurts people. bites and scratches are a weekly manner. pam says that oreo is just playing but i don’t think play normally involves blood. i think roux has received a bad rap.

convicted by this american life

i’m listening to this week’s this american life episode concerning the making of electronics in china. while it deals with a plant that primarily makes apple products it mentions that many other companies do the same thing. i’m not an apple fanboy but if i was i would have a hard time justifying it after hearing this. you should go listen to it and then we should do something about it.

fred #8

we are a three driver family who have been living with two cars for about 9 months. my mazda 626’s transmission died at the end of last winter and it just wasn’t worth fixing. we don’t often need a third car but every now and then one would come in handy. we now have a “new to us” 3rd car. i spent a $100 on eric g’s 1992 nissan sentra. i shouldn’t take long for it to be worth every penny … which isn’t really saying much 🙂