the dinner plan for tonight was supposed to be me bbq’ing steak for my family. through various scenarios that happened within the day it turned out that it wasn’t going to be best for me to cook out tonight. so instead pam decided to cook chili (which is always awesome). when i told my kids that we weren’t having steak they both jumped for joy.
what have i done wrong in raising my kids? how could i have reared them in such a way that they don’t love steak? it would be okay if they were vegans. it would some how be easier if i knew they had a moral problem with eatting beef. yet, that’s not my kids issue. nope, they simply prefer the taste of ground beef to that of a well cooked rib eye. it doesn’t make any sense to me.
i must have screwed up in raising them. they’ll probably need counseling when they get older.
my run for the day
distance – 5.2
total time – 50:22
pace – 9:41/mile