message involvement

i want as many people as possible to be able to contribute to each week’s message at tapestry. i seek input during the development of the message (and will seek even more later as i research coolaboration effectiveness for my d.min) and i seek input during the message itself. of course, some people will never actually speak up during the message so i’m exploring a new way of encouraging involvement from people with input who are not fans of speaking in public.

for the past few months i have been setting up a scripture “event” for each sermon. these events are nice but they don’t really let everyone participate with each other. i won’t to encourage more involvement and participation not encourage more ways to just recieve. so ihave been wanting to do something different for awhile. thus amobile ready site that will post each week’s scripture, related links, the slides from the message, and various church related things. everyone can then comment during the message with their thoughts, input, questions, etc. it is basically a blog that you can interact with on your smartphone or tablet.

i actually have an android app that already connects with the website. it will be on the android market/google play in a week or so (thanks drew). an ios app will have to wait awhile because the cost structure is different. of course, you don’t really need the app to access the site and participate, it just makes it a little bit easier.

this should be fun to see how this thing is used.

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