Not really a post but I just want to comment that the Barnes & Noble Nook for Android app is almost unusable. I have quite a few ebooks from Barnes & Noble due to the fact that my first android tablet was a Nook Color that I didn’t originally root. I am presently trying to finish a book I started on that Nool Color. It is Exclusion & Embrace by Miroslav Volf. As usual Volf makes excellent points but this has not been one of his better flowing books. Therefore I have taken some time reading it. I would read and then take a break and then start reading again only to eventualy take a break again. Well I am now reading Exclusion & Embrace on my Google nexus 7 and the Nook for Android app is just heidous. It is almost impossible to highlight anything. ARGH! This is terrible. I am ready to be finished with this book so that I can swap back to Aldiko or the Kindle for Android apps which I much prefer. I’ve actually tweeted my disdain concerning the app to B&N and they never responded. That doesn’t really make me want to like the app either.