two books

my cute wife surprised me with two books this afternoon. they were:

what a great wife i have. i’m pretty excited about reading both of them because they look interesting. since, pam loves it when people personalize, write within, etc. any gift that they give to her she lived that same desire out and as usual wrote something inside the cover of each book. within “the goat lady” she wrote this great quote from mother teresa. it says:

being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, i think
that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person
who has nothing to eat.

that’s a powerful thought.

reading the back cover of “on photography” reminded me of a sentence i saw that brad wenner had written (i don’t remember where – sorry brad – and i’m not sure if he was quoting/stealing from someone else – sorry unknown possible originator). he said photography was a dishonest medium. i was confused by this because i figured a good photo always spoke of truth. he then went on to explain that a good photo does have truth within it but that doesn’t mean that the photo is honest. think of the lighting, the comestics, the framing. these are all designed to make a scene look a certain way – even though the scene may not really look like that in real life. for more extreme examples think of most magazine covers or the controversial photo of katie couric. are those photos honest? i thought it was an interesting thought.

my favorite line from “v for vendetta” does a good job of explaining it.

my father was a writer. you would’ve liked him. he used to say that artists use lies to tell the truth while politicians use them to cover the truth up.

once again, an interesting thought but this time from a merely average movie (i was let down by it).

One Reply to “two books”

  1. i think it was an arnold newman quote. you’ll like on photography, it’s very good (and you’ll see what i mean when i say photography is a dishonest medium after reading it).

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