so long mate

the crocodile hunter died today. it appears he was struck in the chest by the barb of a stingray that he was diving with. this sent him into cardiac arrest and killed him. strange, huh? i would have never thought that he would have died from something like a stingray. after all the stuff he did with much more dangerous animals it’s rather ironic that he would go in this manner. it should have been something more like him being attacked by a ravenous hoard of salt water crocodiles while he was fighting off twelve rabid cobras who were going after him because of the two great white sharks that he was wrestling with ten thousand very angry poison arrow frogs waiting to tag in for the two great whites.

it just seems kind of anticlimatic for him to be killed by a stingray.

ski day

Ski Day 9-2-06 060

Originally uploaded by DjPhatman.

it was ski day today (our annual trip to false river to ski, wakeboard, and tube) and as always it was a blast. thanks goes out to the fletchers for letting us use their camp.

the surprising thing to me was how dead false river was for labor day weekend. of course, it was because of the fact that there is a l.s.u. game today and that is an all day affair around baton rouge. nobody does anything in baton rouge when it’s game day.

my run for the day
distance – 4.2 miles
total time – 44:35
pace – 10:36/mile