small things

you’ve already noticed this if you read my blog directly instead of through a feed aggregator but i’ve made a few small changes in the blog:

  • i’ve changed the blog theme. i like the new one better (obviously or i wouldn’t have changed it) and if you get tired of it all you have to do is click one of the boxes above to change the background.
  • i’ve combined another blog with this one – for the past three years i’ve run another blog with a different focus. it was more about ministry, rather than random thoughts, and thus i had kept it separate. it no longer makes sense to me to keep them separate and therefore i have imported all of the other blog’s entires into this blog.

i went to baton rouge laser tag with some of y’all tonight and it was a good, though tiring, night. i am convinced that GOD has some form of special punishment planned for little girls who pick just one person to follow and shoot during a game of laser tag. i’m not sure why but two middle school girls thought it was their lives’ mission to spend their entire night shooting at just me. everytime i started to get on a roll one of these girls would find me and kill me (they were so small that i couldn’t see them over any of the barriers). they would then stick with me and kill me for the rest of the game. i finally reach the point that picked one of the girls up and threw her over the rails. i then turned to the other runt and screamed “if you get within 25 feet of me i’m going to do the same to you!”

okay, maybe i only imagined that last part but i was really frustrated. the worst part was that they would just sit there and giggle while they were shooting me. argh!

[tags]laser tag, youth ministry, middle schoolers[/tags]

the elctric shock

i love n.t. wright and this brief article shows why.

here’s an excerpt:

and whatever matthew, mark, luke and john were doing in writing the final sections of their books, they were not telling the story of JESUS’s resurrection as a happy ending. they were telling it as a startling new beginning. easter morning isn’t a slow, gentle waking up after the difficult operation. it’s the electric shock that brings someone back to life in a whole new way.

monday night laser tag

i know this is last minute but i figured i would still put it up on the blog. we’re going to be joining university baptist for some laser tag at baton rouge laser tag tomorrow (april 9th). we will have the whole facility to ourselves from 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. it only costs $20 and you can bring any friends that you would like (as long as they are youth aged). if you’re interested email or call me and then show up at baton rouge laser tag at 10 p.m. your parents can pick you up at baton rouge laser tag at 12 p.m. snacks are on your own. pass the word on to anyone you see.

sunrise service

easter station
i know it’s just a part of church culture and i am trying more and more to differentiate between what is church culture and what is biblical CHRISTianity, but i love easter sunrise services. tomorrow i’m preaching at one in a local cemetery and i still need to work on the message a little but i felt like wasting enough time to say that i really do enjoy sunrise services.

the above photo is from good friday’s outdoor stations of the cross.

it’s true

i know it’s clichéd but in 1978 my family did really drive to caliornia (from alabama) in vw bus and the bus did actually catch on fire (only minorly). we had a cb in the bus that we used to talk to trucks, i slammed the sliding door on my brother’s index finger and broke it, and yes we did visit the grand canyon during our journey (i’m fairly sure my parents still have the petrified wood bookends). every now and then i am almost convinced that every travel/vacation movie has some how stolen my life.

i was right and wrong

i'm an 80 year old lady

i was right
after an awful experience of waiting and being ignored for an hour and a half i was finally able to visit with the orthopedic surgeon and he told me i was right in thinking that i had a stage 2 calf tear/strain. i’m not the biggest fan of the medical industry. his advice was to keep doing what i was already doing and come back next week for another look. if i continue to have problems next week he will recommend physical therapy. i don’t really figure that i will go back for another visit. the only reason i went to the doc was because i needed a prescription to get physical therapy and hopefully heal in time for the marathon. i don’t think i’ll go and pay for another visit forr him to say “you’ve made about a week’s progress.”

i was wrong
once again (for the third or fourth time) i was second in our ncaa tournament bracket. congrats to sharron for winning the whole thing. this means i owe her lunch but since she said that she would probably give it to jon, her son, i guess i owe jon lunch.