the spears are right

i would never have thought that i would find myself in agreement with a member of the spears family but i have to say that they are right in saying that dr. phil screwed up. every counselor has it pounded into his/her head that you have to err on the side of confidence. be it pastoral counseling or clinical counseling, you are taught that you go above and beyond the extra mile when it comes to protecting trust and confidentiality. there are very few reasons for breaking that confidentially and i’ve never seen “gaining a higher nielson raiting” on that list of reasons.

though i don’t watch his show i have usually been somewhat impressed when i’ve seen dr. phil show up on some other show that i was actually watching. i kind of expected more from him.

ice fishing

he ain't much but he was first
yesterday was a banner day in regards to turning this southern boy into a snow bird. i spent around 10 hours on random sheets of ice all around stevens point. bright & early tuesday morning andy lickel the intervarsity campus minister at uwsp introduced me to the wonderful world of ice fishing. it was awesome. i had been thinking that there was no way that i would ever enjoy ice fishing and i was prepared to wait until the rivers thawed to begin my wisconsin fishing experience. thankfully though andy convinced me to try it and i loved it. i ended up buying some basic equipment and going back on the ice yesterday afternoon. i’ll also probably go back out tomorrow and/or friday morning or afternoon.

the only freaky thing about the fishing was the “mud puppy” that i caught. a “mud puppy” is a large aquatic salamander. the one i caught was somewhere between 15″ and 18″ long and probably weighted around a pound to a poun and a half. it truly freaked me out when i pulled it out of the hole. i didn’t know if the thing was safe or not. thankfully i didn’t scream like a girl because i doubt that would go over very well with the kind of guys who ice fish.

you can see a photo of the “mud puppy” here.

after the two ice fishing experiences i had a curling match and once again we won. our team record now is 7 -1. not bad for a white boy from alabama. of course, i am but far the worst player on our team.

if any of you have a spare moment for prayer i could really use it for tapestry. i have begun the process of specifically asking people to be a part of a core group. both they and i could really use GOD’s direction in knowing who should be involved in this thing.

living room, dining room, & foyer

for those of you who are worried about such things (a.k.a. my parents) pam and i have finished painting our living room, dining room, and foyer. most of the furniture has been putting back into place and the rest will be put back tomorrow. we’ll also hang our photos, prints, tapestry, and painting tomorrow. i’m pretty excited about hanging the photos because i had 6 of my lubitel and holga photos printed and framed for our largest wall. i’ll try to take some photos tomorrow and post them. of course, i can’t promise to do this because the family is going sledding tomorrow at iverson park.

that’s right we have s sledding park in stevens point. its awesome. if you’ve ever seen the sledding scene in “CHRISTmas vacation” then you have a decent idea of what this park looks like. you go down a large hill and then have 150′ of heavily packed snow/ice to slide across. you keep going until you hit the snow berm at the other end of the park. oh yeah, this is going to be fun.

SIDE NOTE – high definition broadcasts of football games are amazing.

rsb & american idol

for those who used to be a part of the parkview youth ministry i thought you would get a kick out of knowing that the new american idol commercial has the robbie seay band song “rise” as its background music. rsb did the music for parkview’s 2004 disciplenow. he was a great guy and did some great music but had absolutely no concept of time. you can see the commerical here.

btw, the album that “rise” comes off of the album “give yourself away” which kicks butt.

it has begun

the painting has begun
after finishing my weekday visit to the coffee shop, emy j’s, to try and meet people, pam and i started the painting of our home. we’ve started with the living room and the goal is to finish the living room and the foyer by the end of the weekend. pam and i are not big fans of houses that are full of rooms all painted with the same neutral color. both of the previous homes that we have owned have been full of color by the time we were through with them. houses should be full of color, baking, laughter, books, and conversations – that’s what makes them homes.

seven years ago pam came up with the idea of getting an interior decorator to come to our house just to pick out colors and help arrange our rooms. we’re too cheap and interested in doing things ourselves to actually want a decorator to do everything for us – from painting to getting new things. all we want is someone to help make sure the colors of our rooms and furniture go well and flow together. so we got a decorator for two hours to pick colors and give advice. we liked the results of this strategy in baton rouge and therefore we decided to do it again. we snagged a senior interior design uwsp student and bought a couple of hours of her time. she came back with great colors – ones that we probably wouldn’t have chosen on our own but once we saw them we really liked them.

now we have to finish everything we start. i’ll post a photo tomorrow.

SIDE NOTE – based on a discussion on postmodern interpretations of shakespeare i had with a uwsp grad student (he’s teaching me how to do this so that i can try it out when pam and i go to see julius caeser in february) i started to read dan delillo’s “white noise.” it’s great. i think it’s incredible. weird, but incredible.

SIDE SIDE NOTE – pam and i watched “the nanny diaries” last night and since it is based on a true story i have been reminded once again of how desperately some people need to be slapped to shake them out of their stupidity. i know i’ve said this once before but i really think i could do the world some serious good by walking around and slapping people when they are stupid. i would, of course, start with myself.

SIDE SIDE SIDE NOTE – the fam and i are going to see “spam-a-lot” in may. woohoo!