today’s question comes from the quote of the week at emy j’s. the above photo is the quote. i think it is a great point. being discontent can be a terrible and selfish thing when it is focused on just me and my circumstances. it can also be a wonderful thing when it is focused on those around me and those who are JESUS in disguise. if i am discontent over the circumstances that the needy face or over the barriers that are placed in the way of people desperately wanting to experience GOD’s love then this discontent will encourage me to make changes. i like that type of discontent.
so my question is simply …
am i too content?
am i too comfortable with the way things are? is it too easy to live life right now? to minister in these circumstances? if so i hope and pray that GOD will move me to the point that i am discontent and i will do all i can with HIS help to change things. may i have a holy discontent and may it move me.