For those of you who weren’t at Tapestry last night you missed out on the church business meeting. Our business meetings are short and wonderful. The only business the church needed to deal with was voting on a new member of the Tapestry Leadership Team. We usually do this in November but Wesley Morris moved to Florida to learn about church planting (a pretty awesome thing) so we had a vacant spot. While all the threads miss the Morris family we are honored that Joe Hasenorhl is now the latest member of the Leadership Team. Joe will do a great job.
Actually it was a pretty great night overall. 1st there is Joe. Joe really is a cool story (actually Kaylin, his wife, is too). Joe went from a new believer to someone mature enough in his faith that all the threads trust him enough to want him to be a part of the leadership of the church. 2nd there were all the stories of Saturday concerning the block party we did for the children of migrant workers in Junction City. 3rd we had chicken fajitas from El Mezcal which is awesome. The fajitas were left over from the party the day before and we had more than enough for everyone. Finally, just because we still have it until Thursday we setup one of the bouncy castles that we used yesterday and I walked outside to find random kids playing in it. Awesome.